Ch 1 Privet Drive

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What the hell...My body hurts...

I'm pretty sure I am lying on the road. And everything hurts like I'm on fire which is weird cause you shouldn't feel anything when your dead. Or am I repenting for something...but then there would be no road in heaven, right? Or am I in hell?

You all must be confused. So, Ladies and gentlemen and any others, let's back up a bit. The last thing I remember clearly is getting hit by a bus trying to save a black grumpy cat. The same grumpy cat that never lets me pet him on my way to home from class. Also, the same cat that I remember watching me as I lay there in the pool of my own blood slowly losing consciousness.

So, I am definitely dead, or I should be. Time to gather my surroundings.

As I get up slowly through the pain, I notice it's night here, and that I am definitely lying smack dab in the middle of the road. Or more specifically a crossroad of a small town. One other thing I notice is that I'm not wearing my usual attire of jeans and shirt, but some kind a corset frock/gown, something a cosplayer would wear and not something I could pull off. But it is nice, the sleeves are tight on my forearms but open up and fall down the elbow, and is a deep blue in color with the corset being black.

Overall, its classy, though a little murkish with dirt. I check what I have on my person, and there are POCKETS!! Always love pockets in dresses! Anyway, there is some cash that I assume is British pounds and a few coins, must be cents? Not sure cause I never travelled much or at all. So, I have money and a...key? It has a paper key chain attached to it with an address.


Wait a sec...Surrey is close to London, so I'm supposedly now... in ENGLAND!?

Then I must be standing in... and yes, there is a sign at this crossing reading Privet Drive. Just fantastic! Note the sarcasm. I have somehow travelled from Finland to England, wearing garbs of some Victorian fanatic.

Okay...let's not panic, its fine... the logical thing right now would be assessing the situation by going to this address... sounds idiotic? Yes. Will I still do it?... also, yes.

So, I make my way to the street and start counting numbers. Funnily enough when I reach No. 4, I couldn't help but make a connection to harry potter movies. It's really nostalgic. My whole childhood and a good part of my teens were wrapped with all those stories. I wouldn't call myself a Potterhead as I am not that versed as a lot of people are, but I knew enough to feel heartbroken seeing all those actors grown up...and that whole Hogwarts Reunion just crushed me. God, I cried so much for Alan Rickman!

As I monologue, I reach the No. 11 and notice that its right opposite No.4. Coincidence? I hope so...I can see that No. 11 is just like all the houses here, all plain and boring with nothing out of place. I have always preferred that slightly messed up look of things, especially that nature aesthetic with plants decorated inside the room. I walk the small way to the front door and insert the key I found in the lock(as nobody is inside. Believe me. I checked.) It opens to reveal the same outline as I remember No.4 having in the movies, although less furnished.

I check the whole house and there is definitely no one there. There is a trunk? Full of I assume clothes. As I make my way to the kitchen, I see a small stack of documents with the recipient's name on them. I pick one up and it says...!

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