Ch 23, First Grand Intro!

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Here it is...

The dreaded day...

Where I am going to be introduced to the Wizarding World. *Sigh* Such nervousness! Especially considering there will be Dumbledore there, AND I am going to be reason for him to lose his Chief Warlock position. That is bound to get some scrutiny from the man. Well...I was bound to get noticed anyway; with the way I am going to sweep off so many seats in the Wizengamot.

It is 11:30 in the morning, and the session is at 12 noon. After adjusting my outer robe, I finally look myself in the mirror. The plum robes I ordered are amazing~ and no, I don't mean the way I look, which is not bad at all, but the way these clothes fit and feel. My god! Magic should be a sin!

They are so soft and they literally hug me, with the way they fit. I'm in love...

"Uh Hm!" I startle from my thoughts by Rayl's cough. "You's be getting late Miss."

"Right. Thank you, Rayl. I'll be going then." After one last look in the mirror, I turn towards Rayl and say, "I don't know how long the session would take, so heed the rules I left, and if anything happens – "

" – I am to call Miss immediately. I know Miss Fay." Yeah... I might have said this already. Plenty of times...

I wince, "Sorry, Rayl. I just worry."

"I know Miss Fay. We will all be very extra careful with Master Hade." She speaks to me determinedly.

I give a soft smile to her. With that I move towards the big fireplace in our living room because, curse my luck, I have to Floo to the Ministry atrium. This is also where Hadrian is, so after giving him lots of good bye kisses, I Floo to the Ministry.

-one of the Wizengamot session Halls, 11:55 am-

Lucius and I agreed to meet in front of the session hall a few minutes prior, where he would lead me to an adjoining room till I am called to take up my seats. This is how it roughly works; the session will start and the Chief Warlock would ask if someone wants to add something new before the session, that's when Lucius would call on me because as he tells me, he had already informed the minister of this addition. That is when I will enter the hall, walk towards the podium and place my hand with my Family Rings for inspection, and say the magic words for taking up my seats, which is going to be looong~

When I reach the doors, I see Lucius standing there with his mask in place talking to the man that I assume is the Minister. When he sees me, he says something to the minister and walks towards me. Without any words shared, he leads me to the adjoining room.

"This is where you wait. A guard would come to inform you of your entry. It should take about five to ten minutes." He says as soon as the door closes.

Now you might be wondering why the cold behavior... That is because it should not be obvious that I am Lord Malfoy's acquaintance. With him still in suspicions of being a death eater, anyone he looks familiar with could backfire. It's okay if it's just an introduction.

He turns to leave to go back to the session. The room that I am left at is at most barren, and like any boring waiting room of a government office.

"They could at least make it a little inviting..." I mutter to myself while taking a seat. I go through my words again in my head, so as not to mess it up.

-12:15 pm-

A knock is heard at the door. A guard pokes his head in to let me know that I am to enter.

I take a long breath and move towards the courtroom. With my best impression of a pureblood mask, I nod at the guard who opens the door for me to enter. Without giving others any importance, I make my way straight to the podium. I can see the Minister and the Chief Warlock aka Dumbledore there at the podium. The scribe is the one to inspect the rings. When that is done, I turn to face the rest of the hall.

The whole hall is in a circular shape with black marble designs but like a classroom with stair levels, in this case, facing the podium, with the entrance opposite of the podium below the lowest floor. It consists of total four floors; the lowest one is for ministry officials and small houses with no votes(this is where Dumbledore's house should be), the floor above is for houses not part of the Sacred 28 but has influence(Potter and Bones are a part of it) this is from where the room starts to divide in three factions – Light, Dark and Grey, the third floor is for the Sacred 28 seats and the last one at the top most of the hall is for Founder houses(which would include Merlin and Morgan). The reporters for the sessions are situated just above the entrance, behind a glass enclosed area.

Before I can say anything, Dumbledore addresses me, "My dear, what seat are you taking up?"

Not seat sir but seatS, as in plural, "I, Isis Evelyn Rosier, Lady of Houses of Rosier-Fawley-LeFay-Emrys-Hufflepuff and Acting Head for the Houses of Peverell-Sayre-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw, by the permission of Lady Magic, would like to claim my seats for the Houses of Rosier-Fawley-LeFay-Emrys-Hufflepuff-Peverell-Sayre-Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. And would like to move them all to the Grey Faction. So she shall grant it, so mote it be."

I dare a glance back at Dumbledore and oh! He is furious~ He must know what I just stole...*insert evil laugh*.

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