Ch 25, Shock That I Didn't Expect

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I AM BACK!! My assignments are done and my exams are not for another two months, so good news I can concentrate on this story all I want!!!

This is the start of Romance now!!! yay! I for one am so excited. I have never written anything much less romance, BUT! I will try my very best. so Enjoy!


For the last two days, I spent time with Hadrian and planned. It is apparent now that I've stayed here for a while, that the people here are not only different, but complete opposites to their canon counterparts.

With this thought in mind, I have decided to first bide my time for just the next four years, until we can safely get the Horcrux out of Hadrian. Only then would I be able to get Sirius out as well as actively do something about the Dark Lord and Dumbledore.

I also need to know if the prophecy is real or true or decipher the meaning in a way that doesn't in any way put Hade in danger.


It is the night before the play date scheduled with Draco and Neville, that I execute my next step. I had already insisted with Narcissa to look after Hadrian tomorrow because I have some important appointment scheduled.

After putting Hade to sleep, I go to my study and write a letter to Gornuk regarding the access to Proxy properties.

You guessed it right! the next step in my plan is to gather Horcruxes of the idiot Tommy boy.

After the first Horcrux literally fell into my hands, I have decided to collect them to either see if I could destroy them or by some miracle put the soul together. Honestly, with the way things are going, I wouldn't even be shocked if the soul DOES get whole again...

The first and easiest access is to the 12 Grimmauld Place as being the Black House Proxy through Hadrian. If I can use the Proxy ring for entry, the only obstacle would be Kreacher.

The other not so easy one available would be the Hufflepuff Cup. Remembering that, I put it in the letter to Gornuk too, if I can summon my heirlooms or not. If I can, then that would not require me to go to great lengths, like how Hermione accessed the Bank... that was a fun scene!

The hardest one to access in my opinion would be the ring, because as far as I remember it is guarded by curses and I am no expert in that. I could always hire Goblin curse-breakers, but it could be a problem to explain exactly what I am hunting and that I don't plan to destroy it...yet.

Rereading the letter I think of anything else to ask. Not remembering anything at the moment I just owl it to Gringotts through Olive.

-day of the play date(tomorrow morning)-

I get Hade ready with some difficulties. The boy refuses to wear shoes I tell you! With a little help in the form of distraction by Rose, I Floo to Malfoy Manor to drop off Hadrian, not even realizing the shock of a lifetime I'm about to receive.

Entering through to the receiving area of the Manor, I am greeted by Cissa and Draco, whom as soon as Hade sees, he fumbles in my arms to be set free.

"Alright, alright!" I put him down and he sprints towards Draco, and soon they both are out of the room.

Shaking my head at the two crazy boys, I turn towards Cissa. "Cissa, how have you been? Thanks for having us over."

After a brief hug from her, we move to the small sitting area in the room by the fireplace, "I've been great Isis. And it is pleasure for me to be surrounded by such lovely kids." she calls a house elf for refreshments, and when I try to tell her I have to leave she insists, "If it is not that urgent just stay for a cup of tea...? Or just until Augusta brings Neville over."

Even though she is still convincing me, she also starts pouring tea for me while doing so. I huff a laugh and say, "Your actions seem to contradict your words Cissa, but fine, I'll stay just until Augusta and Neville gat here." Besides I do want to see baby Neville.

We chat for just fifteen more minutes when the Floo flares, welcoming our third and final guest.

Both of us stand to greet them, and I have to say, waiting to see baby Neville was soo worth it. He is so cute with his big shiny eyes and a cute little nose. The way Augusta handles him with such softness is also heartwarming.

After the greetings are out of the way, it is Augusta that herself wants to take Neville to the other boys that are no doubt in Draco's room.

As is polite, I just wait until she comes back to say my goodbyes and go to the Black Townhouse. Gornuk already replied to my letter this morning and assured me I have access to the Proxy properties, and can summon my heirlooms whenever I want as they belong to me in every sense.

Oh, how big was that mistake. I couldn't just leave without being polite now, could I?


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