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It's 8:00am and Cleo just woke up.
They lay in bed for a few minutes,
then they feel they start growing hard.
Cleo whines and looks at their now hard bulge.

"urghhh~" Cleo whines to try to get their lover to go to them.

Cleo stood up in their checkered pj's and their lover's t-shirt. He look for
Milo, so that she could help them with their painful hard-on.

Cleo finds their lover in the kitchen cooking breakfast.
With the sight of their lover they begin to grow harder if it's even possible. they groan quietly and went behind their lover.

Cleo held Milo's waist.
Milo flinched a bit since she didn't notice that her lover was there.
"goodmorning, my love" said Milo while looking over her shoulder to look at Cleo.

Cleo looked at her eyes and held her waist tighter, then they move their hips to the back of their lover to make her feel how hard they are.
"goodmorning, doll~" whimpers Cleo.

Milo moans as she feels her lover's hard-on. "needy this early, darling?"
Milo says and she turns off the stove moves away from Cleo to prepare plate their breakfast.

Cleo groans with the lost contact
"my loveeee" they walked towards Milo then they went behind her and starts to grind their throbbing cock on her back.

Cleo moans as they're trying to relieve their cock.
Milo frowns and lightly pushes cleo away "did I say you can do that, puppy?" she said facing Cleo.

Cleo shakes their head 'no'
Milo walks towards them towering over Cleo because of their height difference, then she puts her hand on their throat.
though not applying pressure Cleo still moans quite loudly.
"hmm, you can moan but you can't answer me with words?" Milo said

"hrmghhh sorry, loveee" Cleo said looking at their lover's eyes.
Milo looks down at them
"go on then, use that dirty mouth of yours and answer my question."

Cleo whimpers and closes their eyes while leaning back
"no, love. you didn't tell me to do that"
Milo smirks satisfied with Cleo's answer "good boy."

Cleo pushes their hips forward with the nickname "please, my lovee~"
Milo looks at their bulge, then she palms their throbbing cock.
"uhuhhh, more pleaseeee" whines her lover.

Milo begins to rub their cock and pressing hard on it from time to time
"pathetic little puppy. you want more, hm?" she asks as continues to rub at a faster pace.

Cleo moans louder "ye-s, my love!"
Milo stops and pulls down Cleo's pj's down a long with their boxers. Cleo's dick stands up twitching with precum coating their pink tip.
Cleo gasps as the cold air hits their cock.

Milo kneels and wraps her hand around the 8 inch cock.
"fuck, puppy."
Cleo looks at their lover
"please, move, my love" Cleo begs as their dick begins to twitch more.

Milo smirks and moves her hands slowly.
"ah-h faster, lovee" Cleo groans with the painfully slow pace.
"you don't tell me what to do. so, just take it like a good boy unless you want me to stop." Milo says.

"no no, hm sorry aghhh. I-I take it" Cleo moaned as tears start to form on their eyes.
Milo, satisfied with what her lover said goes faster.

"AGH FUCKKKK~" Cleo moans loudly
"you like that, darling?" Milo asks while she squeezes their balls.
"yes-s.. fuck- I'm close" Cleo says as their legs begin to shake.

"then come for me, my prince" Milo says before she opens her mouth waiting for her lover's seed

Cleo moans loudly, thrusting forward while they come all over their lovers face "fuckk, loveeee~"

Milo cleans her face with her shirt, stands up and kisses Cleo.
Cleo moans tasting themself on their lover's tongue. Milo then, grabs Cleo's neck and applies light pressure.
Cleo feels their cock growing hard again and they groan into the kiss.

Milo shoves their tongue inside Cleo's mouth. Cleo moans and grabs Milo's waist to pull her closer to them.
Milo guides her lover's hand to pull down her shorts. They comply and pulls down her shorts with her underwear.
Milo begins to kiss faster and Cleo catches up with her pace.

Milo begins to kiss down their neck
Cleo moans and grabs her waist tighter.
Milo begins to grind on Cleo's hard cock "aghh~ your so wet, doll"
Cleo moans.
Milo then whispers in their ear
"all because of you, my puppy"

"fuck" Cleo whispers under their breath.
Milo begins to grind faster, digging their nails into Cleo's shoulder
"ughh~" Milo moans.

Cleo who is very turned on at this point stops Milo and puts their tip inside Milo "ah- my-y love~"
Cleo waits for Milo's permission to go in "haha go on, puppy" Cleo smiles with their lover's respond and slowly goes deeper.

"OH FUCK" Milo throws her head back feeling it go deeper.
"agrrhhmm so tight, lovee" Cleo says
as they bottom out in their lover.

Cleo stays still to let their lover adjust
to their size "fucking hell you-u can move now, darling" Cleo follows their lover and starts to thrust slowly in Milo.
"faster, cleo" Milo says breathlessly
Cleo whimpers and thrusts deeper instead knowing that they can't take the speed that their lover wants.
Milo squeezes Cleo's shoulder with the unexpected act.

Cleo stops and bends their lover on the counter top, then thrusts their cock hard inside her.
"ughhh, puppy-y's doll so fucking-g tight~" they say as they begin thrusting faster inside their lover who's a complete mess
"yes! your doll, love!!" Milo says as she grips the edge of the counter so tight that her knuckles turn white.

Cleo who's ego had been boosted grabs their lover's waist and thrusts deeper and harder in her
"AH CLEO! SLOW DOWN!!" Milo trys to move away but Cleo holds her waist still "n-no.. fuc-k wanna hear-r you moreee" Cleo said breathlessly.

"I'm gonna cum-m, loveee" Milo begins to thrust back matching the movements of Cleo.
Hearing their lover, Cleo reachs and begins to rub their lover's clit fast
Milo trys to remove their hand but Cleo instead, grabs her hands and thrusts faster
"I love hearing you, my l-love~"

Milo cums but Cleo doesn't stop thrusting fast chasing their own high
"I know your close too, puppy~"
Milo says feeling Cleo's cock twitch
inside her. "mhm mhmm!! aghhhhrmmmm!" Cleo begins to shake so they lay on the back of their lover which makes their cock deeper as they continue the fast pace
"fuck. cum for me, puppy" Milo says

Cleo moans loudly as they spill their seed inside their lover.
Milo gasps loudly as she climaxes and feels her lover's cum fill her up.
Cleo lays on her back while flinching a little "agh~"
Milo laughs softly at their lover's sensitivity "i love you"
Cleo murmurs from behind
"i love you too, my love"

Cleo slowly pulls out making sure not to hurt their lover. Milo gasp and stands up to face Cleo and kisses them
"very good puppy" Milo giggles while she brings them to the couch
"oh for you, my love" Cleo kisses her cheek.


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