Chapter 5

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"Marry?" Trollex furrowed his brow and glanced at the necklace she had given him.

Ash shook her head and nudged him. "I'm joking; remember, you're too young to worry about marriage. We're almost the same age, so it's the same for me. Nah, if I go to live in those countries, it'll be for legit work and not because I married someone." She shrugged as she flipped through different YouTube videos, wanting to share more with him.

"You do want to get married." He started, glancing at his fins. "Just not right now?"

"Yeah, like you said, too young." She laughed, knocking his shoulder with hers. A thoughtful look crossed his face; of course, that made sense; technically, they could marry now, but they were young. It was a better plan anyway, but after that comment about marrying someone abroad, he wanted to be sure. Being so young, he let his mind run too fast. He sighed, letting the realistic part of his mind catch up. A dumb smile crossed his face as he started thinking more about it. She's so beautiful and intelligent, and watching her excitedly explain her passion to him was breathtaking. He couldn't help but fall for someone so passionate. If he hadn't been so smitten, he'd probably think falling for someone so fast is ridiculous.

"You kissed me." Ash decided to bring the topic to the kiss; she was so curious and hoped it wasn't something commonly done with all the finmen, that would be awkward. "I wasn't expecting it. Do you kiss others?" Wow, that could've been worded way better, you idiot. "I mean, is it a custom for you?" She tried to question it better. Trollex tilted his head in confusion. He was sure humans also kiss unless she thinks I've been with others. He should've gotten consent first, though; he had gotten lost in the moment. "You were my first." He admitted.

She wasn't sure what to say, still confused about why he kissed her. Has he never been given a gift from someone like that before? "It was my first kiss, too." You'd think I'd be more weirded out by a nonhuman kissing me. I'm weirded out by the fact it doesn't feel weird or wrong that he kissed me. His eyes seemed to brighten at her words, and he moved closer, his eyes lowering to her lips. "May I?" He whispered, eyes filled with hope and anxiousness. She nodded before her brain could comprehend his question. Slowly, Trollex reached out, his hand gently cupping Ash's cheek, leaning to place his lips on hers; their lips melded perfectly. Pulling away slightly, he rested his forehead against hers, staring into her eyes. "You're perfect." He whispered, smiling softly. "I am?" Ash wasn't sure what to say; the kiss seemed more than a friendship kiss, not that many kiss their friends on the lips to begin with. The idea of him kissing her because he had feelings for her seemed ridiculous. It could be a cultural thing that they kiss the first person who gives them a special gift. Trollex seemed really taken by the necklace she gave him, so maybe with gifts like that, they kiss the gift giver?

Before anything else could be said, a text popped up on Ash's phone. She pulled away from Trollex to grab the phone; it was a message from her dad. "Dad says I should come home soon." Ash held up the message for him to see. "I'm supposed to help cook dinner tonight." She quickly replied to her father and stood. "I'm sorry, I gotta head out." She fumbled with her clothes; luckily, they were dry enough to slip on easily.

"You cook?"

"Yeah, I have to cook for Dad and me all the time. He's an awful cook. It's like the man is scared of using spices." She rolled her eyes, thinking about the last time he cooked. He swore up and down, adding seasoning to the chicken, but there was no way. She ate it to avoid food waste but didn't enjoy it. "Do you like to cook?" Ash glanced back over to him. "Yes, I like finding new recipes and trying new things. I also love baking; I think I'm a better baker, but my dad says I'm great at both." Then again, that could be because he's her dad. All her friends loved her baked goods, but she has only cooked for a few because people rarely came over. "Maybe I can bring you something tomorrow." She offered, "What do you like? I'll probably bake something tonight or make some lunch tomorrow, and I could bring you some if you'd like."

Trollex X OCWhere stories live. Discover now