Chapter 6

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Happy New Year! Important note about this chapter. This story has two endings, the good ending is going to be a few more chapters longer than the bad ending. A lot of this chapter is part of the good ending. The bad ending starts when she starts to ask him about the kiss, it should be pretty obvious when it starts IMO

Ash stood awkwardly in the living room while her father scolded his mother. "You should've told me! Now you must stay a week in the city just because you ignored it for months." Ash hadn't quite gotten the whole story yet, but it seemed Grandma hadn't been honest about her health, and it wasn't just a small checkup like she had claimed. "This kind of thing kills people, Mom!" As he spoke, he threw his hands in the air, his face turning red from anger. "The doctor said it wasn't that bad." Janette tried to cut in. "No, he said it wasn't that bad yet. It kills people, you fucking idiot, and you knew about it! The doctor warned you the last visit and you completely ignored his warning and didn't tell me? You aren't even taking the medication he prescribed!" "Watch your mouth." Grandma hissed back. While the two of them glared at each other, Ash figured she'd be able to get a word in. "So, what's wrong, Grandma?" Her Grandma shook her head. "It's nothing important, sweetheart." "How is congestive heart failure not important?" Dan snapped. Of course, Ash wants to know more, but this isn't the time. Dad was too angry to converse normally, while Grandma was too nonchalant about it.

A few hours later, Dad had calmed down, and the three could have a normal dinner; the medical problem wasn't brought up either, so Ash decided to wait until they finished to bring it up. Ash quickly cleared the table but didn't bother washing the plates yet; she needed to catch them to figure out what was happening. It wasn't hard to get them in the living room, though Grandma was still trying to brush it off like it was no big deal. "Dad wouldn't have been screaming at you if it was nothing; tell me what is happening." "I have congestive heart failure, though it's really nothing to worry about, sweetheart." The words hit her like a ton of bricks. "How is congestive heart failure nothing to worry about?" No wonder he was furious; I can't believe her. Grandma sighed but explained that the last time she visited the doctor, they told her it wasn't that bad. Yes, they had given her medication for it, but once the symptoms stopped, she forgot to take the drug, slowly skipping and then just not refilling the prescription once it was finally gone.

"Grandma." She didn't know what else to say, too shocked at the stupidity of her grandmother. "It's okay, sweetheart; the doctor said there hasn't been much change from what he could see, though he'd like me to spend a week in the hospital just to make sure, run different tests, and other things to be safe." "Wait, when are you going?" "Tomorrow." She spoke like a week-long hospital stay to monitor her heart wasn't a big deal. "I'll be going too and staying in a hotel nearby. Will you be okay?" Dan questioned his daughter. He didn't want to leave her alone, but he also didn't trust his mom to be honest about everything the doctors said, so he'd stay with her during the stay. It was a lot to take in, but Ash would be fine alone; there was enough food in the house, and she'd be fine for a week. "Yes, of course. Please just keep me up to date. Will you need help packing?" She turned to her grandmother for the question. "No. I am not helpless, so I didn't want to tell you. You will start treating me like I'm an old helpless lady." Ash raised her brow. "Well, Grandma, if you had taken your medication like you were supposed to, we wouldn't have ever known." Grandma tossed an unimpressed look before standing up to pack her things.

With the town being a few hours away, they had to wake up a lot at four in the morning; the two of them tried to tiptoe around, not wanting to wake up the sleeping teenager upstairs. "Do you need any help?" Both adults snapped their heads towards her. "You were being too loud." Janette hissed at her son. Ash yawned. Her old t-shirt hung off her shoulders, and she slipped on her pajama pants before leaving the bedroom. "No, you should go back to sleep," Dad replied. She yawned again, this time causing her eyes to water.

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