Chapter 3

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Monday morning, when I arrived at Arch Union Centre for my first day of work, I bumped into Theo on the elevator. He looks fantastic and smartly dressed as he was the night before in a gray suit and a crisp pale-blue shirt, making his big brown eyes pop. He greets me with a warm smile, even though he is talking on his cell phone. When a few more people jam into the already tiny elevator, I am forced up against his hard, warm body. He clears his throat and shifts a bit when my backside involuntarily presses against his groin.

A few more floors before the shiny metal doors slide open to the offices of the Bruisers' administration. Theo steps before me, guiding us along the corridor overlooking the ice hockey rink. My pin-thin heels click along the tile floor. At the same time, Theo chats away, pointing out the General Manager's office, the Senior Director of Public Relations office, the Chief Executive Officer's office and so on. I am trying my best to stay focused while suppressing a yawn, but I am so tired that it is hard to absorb much of anything right now.

I've barely slept. My mind is restless. I was tossing and turning all night long, unable to shake Cash's words, repeating over and over in my head. "I'm not going anywhere. I promise this is just the beginning."

"To end the tour, let me introduce you to your office." Theo's outstretched finger points to the heavy mahogany door across the hall.

My eyes shift into focus when I see a golden nameplate on the door that reads Kimberly McMahon, Marketing Director. I meet Theo's once-happy face contorted into a furrowed brow. He scoffs, leaning forward, and tries to rip the nameplate off the door. Without much success, he runs his hand through his brown curls. "Sorry about this, Quinn. Maintenance was supposed to have this removed over the weekend."

"No worries." I shrug, placing my hand on the brass knob. "Thank you for the tour."

Theo nods with a confident grin. "No problem. If you need anything, I'm right across the hall," he says, stepping backward. "How about I give you a few minutes to settle in and put your things away. When you're ready, come to my office so we can start with the logistics of the position." He pauses, pursing his thin lips together and cocking his head to the side. "I'm delighted to have you working here, Quinn. I think you're going to be great."

"Thanks, I think I'll be great, too," I say, admiring the dimple on his chin.

"You will be." A warm smile touches his lips, and he gives me a wink. He looks away, letting his long brown lashes brush against his cheeks as he fiddles with the knob on his door. When it finally opened, he looked back at me before entering his office. "Can I get you a coffee?"

"Sure, that would be great. Thanks," I respond.

"Cream and sugar?" he asks.

I nod, watching Theo close the door behind him and disappear into his office.

Stepping into my new brightly lit space, I'm immediately hit with the smell of fresh flowers and two penetrating blue eyes. My pulse leaps, and my breathing quickens at seeing Cash leaning against my desk, looking all sexy and muscular. His eyes sparkle in my direction, his dimples deepening into his tanned skin as an amused grin spreads across his lips. My eyes travel downward, taking in his tight white T-shirt, tattooed forearms, and dark denim jeans painted against his strong-toned legs.

His smooth, deep voice drips with conceit. "Good morning, Mittens."

A shiver runs up my spine, watching him push away from my desk, taking a step forward. I instinctually take a step back. "How the hell did you get in here?"

"I heard you like roses," he says, ignoring my question. His tanned and muscular arms extend in my direction, holding the most beautiful bouquet of lavender roses. There must be at least three dozen tightly balled into a clear square vase.

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