Chapter 15

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Sitting at my desk, I doodle on my notepad, drawing circles that spiral from one side of the paper to the other. Two months have flown by since Newfoundland, and Cash and I have been sneaking around, hiding our relationship from the media, the league, or anyone associated with it. One part of me thinks I have lost my mind and risked everything I possibly can for him, including my relationship with my father. The other part of me knows I am madly in love, addicted to his touch, and wouldn't change my decision to be with him over anything in the world.

The idea of telling my father my plans to have both Harvard and Cash makes my skin crawl. He would more than frown upon our relationship. He would call it impulsive, reckless and maybe even career-ending. I know any loving father would want his daughter to be happy. It's just that in his mind, no one is ever good enough for me, whether they play hockey or not. He holds a halo over my head that he's never held over Lyndsey. Maybe it's because I am the one most like our mother. Secretly, he worries that if he's not guiding me, I'll end up like her.

I scroll through email, reminiscing on my time with Cash and how far we have come. We spend almost every night together at his place. We rarely go out in the public eye. The last thing we both want is for the media to find out about our relationship for more reasons than one. Our confinement has led me to discover Cash's secret talent. He is a fantastic chef. His French onion soup and Caesar salad are to die for.

I've been pouty lately, though, because, with the Bruisers in the Calder Cup finals series, Cash is more tired than usual, so Chinese takeout has been our staple. I've grown so fond of his cooking that takeout no longer hits the spot.

Our weekends together are my favourite. We eat sugary cereal and watch cartoons in bed. Sometimes, we drive a few hours outside Bexley to shop at a thrift store or two. I've found a lot of great odds and ends to help keep my jewelry-making going strong. I even made Cash that ring he asked me for. I haven't given it to him yet, though. I want to surprise him, but the moment hasn't come.

The shift in our relationship has been incredible and scary all at the same time. I love the sweet and seductive side of Cash that has stolen my heart.

Things are finally returning to normal at the office between me and Theo. We're working on our next big event and promotion for the league and its sponsors. I feel like I've regained control of my priorities, but sometimes, like today, my mind slips and all I can focus on is Cash and getting my next fix.

I jump when the computer beeps, notifying me that I have a new email in my inbox. Slowly, I raise my head and stare at my screen.

My heart stops when I read the subject line.

Harvard University - Offer of Admission

My hands are shaking, but I somehow click open the email.

I stare at the screen momentarily, wrapped up in shock and excitement.

I did it! I did it! I did it! I am accepted!

I burst into shouts of joy, shoot up from my chair, and fist pump the air, dancing around my desk. My celebration subsides when it sinks in that this is real. I am going to Harvard. I flop back down into my chair, feeling a mixture of relief and bewilderment settle in my stomach.

Without hesitation, I dial Lyndsey's number.

"I got into Harvard!" I say before she can even say hello.

Lyndsey squeals, "Omigod! Omigod! Omigod! Quinny, I am so happy for you!"

"I just got the letter. You're the first person I called."

"Really? You told me before you told Dad? I'm the first choice! And we made a pact, remember? When you get your acceptance letter to Harvard, I will take you out to celebrate."

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