🐺S1. Pilot-Part Two🐺

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We all headed to our English class and I sat on the far side left away from Stiles and Scott because the teacher was a prick and hated our guts like most teachers around this school.

"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night. And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester" the teacher says.

Scott looked at me and then Stiles like we knew about the suspect we just shrugged our shoulders at him.

I put my headphones away and left my beanie on as I don't take it off ever. I saw Scott looking around like he was hearing something and then a new girl came in with the vice principal.

"Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome." The vice principal says introducing her to us.

She thanked the teacher and sat behind Scott. He gave her a pen and she looked at him like how did you know I needed a pen type of look and gave him and smile.


I was at my locker which happened to be near the new girl's locker. "Hi I'm Allison Argent, I'm new here," Allison said with a smile and her hand out.

"Roma and welcome to Beacon Hills," I said with a shy smile and shook her hand.

I spotted Lydia making her way over and I put my cat headphones on and ignored the conversation as Lydia doesn't like me and her boyfriend is worse.

I felt a tap on my shoulder not ten minutes afterward and I looked it was Allison. "Yes?" I said."Will you come with us to the field?" Allison asked politely.

"Yeah I got to go there anyways my brother and best mate are on the lacrosse team too," I tell her with a smile.

Lydia practically drags Allison and I trail behind them. Jackson spotted me and smiled at me. Weird?

I went to the locker room first and saw Stiles and Scott. I waved them over. They both quickly ran over to me before Coach came into the locker room.

"Good luck boys!" I tell them giving them both kisses on the cheek.

"Thanks, Roma!" They shout before running off to the field.


I headed to the field and saw the lads running out to the field. Allison waved me over to her, I walked up and Lydia was smiling at me but I could tell she was being fake.

"So Roma who do you know on the field?" Allison asked.

"Number 24 is my twin brother Stiles and number 11 is my brother's best friend, Scott Mccall," I tell her looking out.

"Oh, that's good," Allison says sounding happy.

We saw Scott in goal and I heard Allison ask Lydia something.

"Who's that?" Allison asked pointing at Scott not realizing that he wearing number eleven.

"Him? Not sure why?" Lydia says shrugging her shoulders.

"He's in my English class," Allison says.

"The person in goal is Scott McCall my best friend? I did say number 11 is Scott." I tell Allison who makes an oh facial expression.

We watched the rest of the practice in silence as it got awkward quickly.


Me, Scott, and Stiles head back to the woods as Scott lost his inhaler last night because a bunch of stags came running and knocked him over causing him to drop the inhaler.

Roma Stillinski- Teen Wolf fanfic 🐺Where stories live. Discover now