💱S1. Night School Part 1💱

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I was in shock when I saw the alpha throw Derek across the parking lot but I soon snapped out of it and I got out from under the car to see Derek lying on the floor unconscious and bleeding out. I got back into the car and I drove the car closer to him and opened the door.

I went to his side to feel a pulse and I did," Come on hot stuff you can't give up yet, I won't let you do this," I said softly.

I pulled Derek up the best I could and I felt Derek waking up." R-Roma?" Derek says softly.

"Morning hot stuff," I joked." What are you doing?" Derek asked." Saving your ass and getting us out of here before the alpha comes back," I said putting him in the car.

I got him in and drove off leaving the boys to deal with the consequences of their actions. I just hope that they will be okay and no one stupid comes along.

"Where are you taking me?"Derek groans in pain." To get medical supplies from mine and I'm going to help with your wounds which is gonna take a while to heal," I tell him.

"You don't need to do that baby girl," Derek says softly." Take me to my house, I'll heal don't you worry about me,"

"I do, you've been helping me out when I get hurt now it's my turn to help you," I said softly smiling at him.

"I'm not going to leave you alone Derek, you don't need to be alone as you heal up," I said as I put my hand on him and he held it as I drove home.

I pulled up to my house and I got put opened the front door." Dad!" I shouted to make sure he wasn't in and no one shouted back.

I headed to the car and I opened the door and I came face to face with a very pale Derek." Let me unclip you and help you," I tell him softly.

"Please trust me to care for you," I said softly." I trust you, baby girl, you have been everything to me and I'm grateful for it," Derek says softly looking at me."Then let me do this for you," I said softly smiling at him.

Derek nods and gets up with my help and we head inside my room." Here lay on my bed, and I'll get my supplies out," I tell him. I grabbed the kit and I turned around to see Derek lying on the bed." Can I take this off?" I asked softly pointing at his jacket and top.

"Y-yeah, you can," Derek says softly. I began to take his jacket off and put it down on my chair and I went to take his top off.

"Are you sure you want me to remove it? I don't want to do it if you're not comfortable," I said softly.

"I want you to, and I'm always comfortable, especially with you baby girl," Derek says softly putting his hand on my cheek.

I smiled softly as I slowly took his top off and I saw four wounds in front of his torso and his abs. I take his top off and I get my rubbing alcohol to put on his wounds.

"Lay back down," I said softly pushing him down on the bed and I straddled his legs."This might hurt, sorry I can't do anything about the pain," I said with a sad smile.

"You're good baby girl," Derek says softly stroking my cheek and I clean his wounds which didn't need stitching.

"Now I need to do your back which I think may need stitching up and cleaning," I said getting off and grabbing my sewing kit. Derek got up slowly and gently," This might hurt so do you need something to bite on?" I asked him.

"No, I'll be okay baby girl," Derek says softly smiling." You sure hot stuff?" I joke with a smile." I'm sure I'm a tough guy baby girl, "Derek smirks.

I chuckled softly," Here we go," I said and I began to clean his wounds he winced and I muttered sorry as I cleaned him up.

"This is where it's gonna hurt most," I say and I stitched his wounds up and wrapped a bandage around his torso covering the alpha wounds up." All done hot stuff, now you need to rest up," I tell him softly kissing his wrapped wound.

"Thanks, baby girl," Derek says tiredly." Sleep Derek, I'll be here when you wake up hot stuff," I said softly stroking his hair as I sat by him.

Derek leans against me and falls asleep deeply next to me whilst nuzzling me. I received a text message from Stiles saying that Lydia, Jackson, and Allison had all turned up and that Derek had just been blamed by Scott for the attack on the school.

"Oh, you idiot, you had to blame him, he's done nothing to you and you do this," I muttered.

I messaged Stiles back saying what's they done that for? When Derek got injured and was bloody unconscious he and his car went with me."Now they've done it," I groaned in frustration.

I just put my phone down and lay with Derek and kept an eye on him as he was my priority tonight."I got you, Derek," I said softly smiling at his sleeping form as I lay next to him for a while.


Part one of night school is done ✔️  part two is up next up 💕

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