➕️S1.CodeBreaker Part 2➕️

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As we walked I realised I missed the formal."So I take it I missed formal then?" I wondered."Yep," Scott replies.

"Ah that's alright I don't dance and I rather not deal with a jackass, Lydia and Allison one night," I said with a shrug

"Oh, that reminds me your girlfriend is dead! When I see her never mind bloody Peter!" I punched Scott in the throat.

"Oh, what was that for?!" Scott coughs holding his now healing throat.

"For being late and for being a hormonal bastard!" I said walking away. Once we get out of the tunnels, Derek and I slow down to catch our breaths.

Fucking hate hunters with a passion. I lean on Derek once more as he puts a hand on Scott. "Hey, hold on, hold on, hold on," Derek says.

Scott turns to face us. "Something doesn't feel right," Derek says looking around."What do you mean?" Scott asks

"I don't know, it's- it's kind of like it's--" Derek begins to say."No, don't say "too easy." People say "too easy" and bad things happen," Scott yells.

Derek rolls his eyes, "What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy!" Scott shouts.

Derek sighs in defeat "Fine. You're right." Derek says. "Thank you," Scott says looking at the sky

Suddenly Derek gets shot with an arrow out of the blue and Scott looks to see Allison with a crossbow. You're so dead!!

I guess I was the next target as they shot an arrow at me but I managed to move out of the way before it hit me."Scott, your eyes!" Derek yells.

I go over to Derek and pull the arrow out and the three of us make our way back to the Hale house. Really they couldn't think of a better hiding place?

"Come on," Derek says. Derek yells in pain as he gets shot and falls to his knees. He pushes me and Scott towards the house.

Scott keeps me covered as gunshots ring out and we fall to the ground gun wound free we look to see Kate sticking her gun in our faces.

"Kate, Kate, what are you doing?" Allison questions.

"I love those brown eyes," Kate says as she comes closer to us but a gunshot shakes her focus.

"Kate! I know what you did. Put the gun down." Chris says "I did what I was told to do," Kate says

"No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that house, ones who were human." Chris says.

"Look what you're doing now. You're holding a gun at a 16-year-old boy with no proof he spilt human blood." Chris says

"We go by the code - Nous chassons ceux qui nous chassent." Chris states

"We hunt those who hunt us," Allison whispers.

Chris looks over to see me all bruised up and tired."You kidnapped Sheriff's daughter?!" Chris says."Put the gun down. Before I put you down." Chris says with anger

Suddenly the porch door opened and everyone else got up ready for a fight

"Allison, get back," Chris tells her."What is it?" Allison questions."It's the Alpha," Scott says shifting

I moved elsewhere and as I was in no right state to move let alone fight an Alpha.

I watched the scene in front of me and I see that Peter has taken Kate into the house and the dumbass followed them.

'Oh, look my aunt has been taken by the psycho Alpha let's follow them because I've been a hunter for one day and I can fight him.'

I go over to Chris keep him safe and wait for him to wake up. He stirs in my lap and wakes up to see me looking right at him.

"Roma?" Chris asks confused."Yeah." I smiled at him."What happened to you?" Chris asks.

I immediately start crying."I got hurt badly, tortured and left to bleed out," I admitted. Chris got up and hugged me like a father does.

"I'm so sorry, I will deal with that person myself and get him sent to jail," Chris says with anger in his voice.

I nodded and hugged Chris back. Allison appears and she tries touching me and I hook her to the ground."Get away from me!" I yelled.

Chris was confused by this."She knew!"I pointed at Allison. Chris's face was full of anger, "You are in big trouble when you get home," Chris says angrily.

Scott and Peter end up outside fighting. I stayed near Chris as was feeling myself going exhausted. Stiles and Jackson arrive at Hale House to find a fully transformed Peter.

Stiles exits the Porsche and throws one of the "self-igniting" Molotov cocktails at Peter. Peter then snatches it out of the air so it doesn't explode.

Scott then tosses Allison her bow, she shoots the bottle of volatile liquid and it bursts into flame. Peter's arm is on fire and when Jackson throws his own cocktail Peter is engulfed by fire.

Scott went to move away from Allison when she stopped him. She then kisses him back in human form.

I was falling asleep due to the lack of energy and woke up to Scott's protests and saw Derek slashing Peter's throat.

"I'm the Alpha now." I heard Derek say.


Everyone left and I slowly got up, Derek looked for me and ran to my side." I'm so sorry," Derek says softly kissing my head and putting his hand on my cheek and I return the action.

"I think a trip to the hospital is needed don't you?" I said softly smiling. Derek nods in agreement whilst softly smiling at me.

He lifts me bridal style and we head off to the hospital where Dad and Melissa are waiting.

"Help!! I have Roma Stilinski here!!"Derek shouts.

Dad turns to see me all battered and bloodied and Melissa runs to us.

"What happened to her?" Dad asked angrily.

"Kate Argent kidnapped her and the bloke she was with sexually assaulted her and tortured her. I'm so sorry I tried to help her," Derek says sadly.

"Thank you for bringing her here and it's okay I know you've tried," Dad says.

A porter brought a trolley and I got placed on it and taken to get my wounds cleaned and bandaged up and to get a rape kit done and Melissa stayed with me the entire time.

I was admitted due to open wounds on my arms and legs and to await the rape kit results.


Season one is done and what a dramatic turn towards the end?😳

Ready for Season Two?

Derek and Roma do Kiss!!!

Derek does end up going into a rut/heat season as does everyone else in his pack!

Roma does get affected by it too!

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