32. I Expected You To Throw A Fit

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"And we will have to move to one of our safehouses." He added. "All of us."

Wait what?

"Does that mean I can't go to work either?"

"It does."

River swore under the breath.

Of course, she couldn't go to work. There was no question about it.

And as much as she wanted to scream and protest, she couldn't. Because she wasn't stupid. There was imminent danger and there was no time to sulk or throw tantrums. It was for the best.

She would just take a long leave or maybe even resign.

River quickly picked up her phone and dialed Dr. Jamie Dewell's number.

"Hey doc?" He laughed. He was one happy guy. "You know you could just press the call button right?"

"I have a doubt."

"That is?"

"How did I manage to get a wound on the back of my head when I was wearing a helmet?"

Mateo scrunched his face up and got to thinking. No one thought about that before, now did they?

"Wait, I thought you fell down the stairs or something." Dr. Dewell sounded hella confused.

"Well I didn't. I didn't want my overprotective mom to know what happened." It was a lie. But for the best.

"Okay so what exactly happened."

And she told him. Technically, she told him what she did to get the wound but not what happened to make her do the stunt in the first place.

"Okay so the impact on the ground must have been so bad because it was from a considerable height that it broke the helmet and the shard must have pierced through. Also the injury is in the lower back of the head so the helmet could have slipped a bit up and you hit your head on some other sharp surface. Helmet doesn't completely guarantee protection from injuries now does it?" He said. "But honestly dude, I didn't know you were into these stunts."

"So what are the possibilities I could get a long leave because of it." She asked.



"Well, I could write up a PTSD with that panic attack you had, and tremors due to spinal cord damage. You will be referred to the neuro-department for treatment though."

"I am moving to Cambridge to stay with my grandparents while I recover."

"I don't know River. It's kind of illegal."

"Jamie, I know more than you think."

"Are you threatening me, doc?"

"Well, it surely isn't a request."

He laughed but said, "Honestly River, it is wrong."

"Even if I could be shot dead if I stayed?"

"Okay, that changes things." Now he sounded alarmed. "You are not joking, are you?"

"You think?"

"Fine, I will do it." He said. "I will submit that you are unfit to continue your duties for a while. You will be fine as long as they don't cross-check."

"Thanks Jamie."

"We are going on a date as soon as you get back."

River rolled her eyes. "You wish."

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