86. And You Believed Him?

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It had been two days since the incident. River had no choice but to take on her duty as a doctor while she was at the hospital.

Kiara was still recovering. The little girl had a broken jaw, sprained neck and a broken arm along with the other wounds on her head.

It was a sight River wished she wasn't punished with to see. After all, which mother can sleep in peace after seeing her daughter battered and bruised?

But more than sadness, River harbored anger. And not just towards whoever the perpetrator of the accident was.

She was angry towards Mateo because he had done it again. He had fled instead of facing the problem. He visited their daughter once and after seeing the condition she was in, he refused to visit her anymore.

Kiara cried for her father plenty of times and River had to make up a new excuse every single time so as to not harm their bond because of her baby daddy's stupidity.

She always got mad at him when he ran away instead of discussing their problems with one another. But this was the next level unforgivable thing to do. This was their daughter, their daughter who wanted to see her Papa.

River sighed as she placed her hand on her eyes, hoping the heat from her palm would help with the throbbing pain in her head.

"You okay?"

River opened her eyes to see that it was Victor. Well, at least he and Davis stuck around.

"I am fine. Just tired." The surgeon shrugged. She had had a rough day.

"Your shift is over right? Maybe you should go home?" He asked.

River gave him a look.

She loved her son. And she missed him. But she was not going anywhere until her babies' father showed up and assured her that he would take care of their little girl while she rested.

But no, Mateo had decided on being a coward this time. Alessia told her that he had made a vow to not show his face to his daughter until he killed whoever hurt her, but River was pissed at him for his foolishness. His little girl didn't care about who hurt her. What she needed at the moment was her father's unconditional love and what was the use of his revenge and vow and whatever if he could not give his kid the one thing she wanted?

Her gear beeped and she looked at it. She had a message from Aaron Grady, Dmitri Petrov's right hand man and father of Lucas' best friend.

She whipped out her phone from her pocket and opened the messaging app.

This is about to get a lot messier. You need to come to VIP room 12 ASAP.

River's eyebrows knitted together when she read this. What was that supposed to mean?

She was not aware of the patient in the VIP room but she trusted Aaron enough to go there, asking Victor to go to Kiara's room.

There was no one outside VIP room one unlike other occupied VIP rooms which had at least one bodyguard outside.

She knocked before pushing the door open, her eyes widening in shock at the sight in front of her.

"What happened?" She asked, walking closer to the battered and beat up Dmitri.

"Well, my men think it's Mateo's doing." The Russian Mafia man shrugged, flinching when the mere motion jolted a painful shock up his spine.

"And you don't?" River asked.

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