35. It's A Surprise

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"That was a toy Ki!" River said as she rocked her little girl in her arms. "Uncle Mateo was just playing around."

"Uncle?" Mateo was not at all pleased with the new label. Wasn't she supposed to introduce him as their Papa?

River narrowed her eyes at the dumbass in the rear-view mirror.

As if traumatizing her- their children for life wasn't enough, he wanted to drop the next bomb on them?

"Yeah Ki, Mr. Adesso is an actor, remember?" Lucas said from the car seat. He was seated on his car seat while River sat next to him with Kiara in her lap because she was so scared of Mateo now.

Lucas bought the toy gun- actor story fast, but Kiara was not okay with someone training a gun against her mother's head. River had expected for the twins to act differently though. It was like they had switched bodies. It was usually Lucas who was skeptical and doubtful and Kiara who was trusting. But Lucas liked 'Mr. Adesso' from the moment he met him at the dock and Kiara was over-protective of her mother for some reason and she did not trust anyone who behaved in any way that could potentially harm her Mommy. If it wasn't for that reason, River was sure Kiara would have been awed by the character named Mateo Adesso, just like her brother.

She thought it was safe to say that the kids were already – unknowingly – choosing their favorite parent.

River knew she shouldn't be thinking like that but the truth was the truth.

"Can you sit on your seat now?" She whispered into her baby's hair and she meekly nodded. River placed her on the seat and fastened the belt for her and sat properly on her own, fixing her seat-belt.

She narrowed her eyes at Mateo yet again on the rear-view mirror while he smirked.

Is she a bad person for wishing she could do yet another surgery without anesthetic on him?

"Hi doc, remember me?" Adam asked her from the back seat. She was travelling with him, Mateo and another man she didn't recognize. She didn't remember much of this guy but he was the one who Mateo had around most of the time when he was admitted in the hospital and she could say since then that they were pretty close.

River pursed her lips. "I am not really good at remembering names." She shrugged.

Adam chuckled. "I am Adam Smith. I am Mateo's best friend and first in command." He held his hand out and River had to twist in her seat to give him a very awkward hand-shake, her back killing her throughout the process.

"Hi I am Lucas Johnson." Lucas waved at the man. "I remember you and an auntie from when Mommy saved us." He looked really comfortable around these people.

"You don't remember me?" Ricardo asked.

"I remember seeing you somewhere between all the chaos." Lucas said, nodding to himself while River too nodded with him. He spoke so eloquently.

"Ricardo Regio, nice to meet ya!" He turned around and winked before going back to driving.

"Where are we going, Mommy?" Kiara asked.

"It's a surprise." Mateo said.

"Mom..." She whined.

"Trust me baby; you are going to love it!" River said though she too had no idea where they were off to. The only thing she could guarantee was that they were all going to be safe.

River looked over at her son. He seemed relaxed and unbothered as he watched the view out the window. This was so out of character for him but River was happy that her son felt safe. She had a feeling that it had something to do with Mateo Adesso's presence. The thought brought a smile to her face; the son had lowered his guards and relieved himself of the duties to protect his mother and sister now that his father was here.

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