Chapter 5 - Remains Of The Day

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Slowly, (Y/N) started to come to. She could make out light and voices and, when she finally managed to open her eyes fully, she just wished to go back to sleep.

Before her was a skeleton and the corpse from before, looking down at her with worried eyes - well, the corpse was the only one with eyes, but you can understand what she meant.

"A new arrival." The skeleton man stated with excitement.

"She must have fainted." The corpse worriedly explained as he slightly lifted her head so she could be more comfortable. "Are you alright, Darling?"

"What...what happened?"

"By jove! Looks like we've got ourselves a breather." The skeleton piped in, making the crowd around them gasp.

Now that she looked around more closely, she was in some kind of pub, where there were lots of odd and dead looking people. Some tinted different shades of death, some decaying, some skeletal or even missing limbs. She gasped, sitting up and staring around her in horror.

Suddenly, a plump and blue woman dressed like a chef pushed the skeleton man aside, staring at (Y/N) with excited eyes. "Ooh, do you have a dead brother?"

Then, out of nowhere, a little skeleton child poked her chest and gasped out, "She's still soft."

A terrified shriek escaped her lips as she backed away from him and huddled close to a wall for protection. It honestly didn't do much but at least they weren't too close to her anymore.

The dead man seemed to sympathise with her, motioning for everyone to give her some space as he kneeled down in front of her. He gave her a soft and kind smile, trying to ease her fear and confusion.

"Don't worry. They're just curious but completely harmless." He reassured.

"Wha- But..." She couldn't really put her jumbled thoughts into words.

"A toast then!" A small, Napoleon-looking skeleton with a sword through his chest yelled out across the bar. "To the newlyweds!"


The corpse just smiled widely at her, looking genuinely happy as he sighed out dreamily, "In the woods, you said your vows so perfectly."

"I did?"

As she asked this, he helped her to her feet before proudly showing off the ring that was on his boney finger. Victor's ring. That he had given to her. That she had put onto the hand. That belonged to the corpse.

It didn't take long for reality to set in on what had happened and her (E/C) eyes widened in horror. She had just married a corpse.

"I did." She whimpered before suddenly slamming her head on the bar's counter. Everyone gasped in shock and concern as she then yelled to herself, "Wake up! Wake up!"

(Y/N) went to slam her head down once more when the corpse groom stopped her. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her away from the bar.

"Don't do that, Dearest. You could seriously hurt yourself."

"Anything to be free of this nightmare..." She mumbled quietly to herself before another voice broke through the crowd.

"Coming through! Coming through!"

She looked down to see a severed head scuttling down the bar counter, with the help of a few bugs to act as his feet. He was smartly groomed for just a head, with a French accent to match his fancy appearance.

"My name is Paul. I am the head waiter." He chuckled at his own joke while she leaned back in disgust. "I will be creating your wedding feast."

Just then, one of the groom's eyes popped out, making (Y/N) jump out of his hold and scream in fright. A green maggot came peeking out, looking around in an excited manner.

Corpse GroomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ