Chapter 6 - Such Bad News

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Meanwhile, up on the surface, inside the Everglot mansion, Victor stood by the window. He was looking out of it with nothing but concern etched on his face. Victoria came over, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder and he smiled slightly at her kind gesture.

However, the small moment they shared was ruined when Victoria's mother ordered, "You two, come away from the window."

Their parents were all sharing tea next to a fireplace and as the couple moved over to them, Victor's mother spoke up, "Oh, I'm sure she'll be back shortly. She's terrified of the dark."

"Actually, that was me mother. (Y/N) has never really been afraid of anything." Victor corrected but she waved him off without much care. "I'm so worried about her. I can't really remember what happened. I think we were running but..."

He put a hand to his head where it still slightly hurt. He had been found by some townsfolk, lying unconscious on the bridge. When he came to, he was back at the Everglot house, with Victoria worriedly hovering over him and everyone telling him how stupid and disgraceful his actions were.

It was then when he had expected his sister to make one of her usual remarks on their words but was shocked when he saw she wasn't there. He remembered her being with him when he ran from the rehearsal but his memory was fuzzy on what had happened before he was knocked out.

But he wasn't too concerned about his missing memory, he just wanted to know where (Y/N) was. She usually ran from home to get away from their mother but never for so long and never when he needed her the most. So where was she?

"Well, at least we didn't lose you. You still have to get married after all." His mother said, with very little empathy.

He knew she'd be like this but he didn't expect the lack of worry. Or maybe he did.

Just then a knock sounded at the door, breaking Victor from his thoughts.

"Enter." Lord Everglot called.

Lord Barkis entered with a smug smile on his face, which seemed to be his usual expression.

"Ah, Lord Barkis." Lady Everglot cooed. "I trust the room is to your liking?"

"Thank you. You are a most gracious hostess. Which is why it pains me to be the bearer of such bad news." Just as he finished speaking, the town messenger - bell and all - walked into the room. "Would you care to repeat tonight's headline for us?"

Almost immediately, the man began to ring his bell as loudly as he could, causing cups to shake and people to flinch. A few even attempted to cover their ears but still listened to what the man was saying.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! (Y/N) Van Dort seen this night on the bridge in the arms of a mystery man! The dark-haired seducer and Miss Van Dort slipped away into the night!"

(A/N: I was going to say 'tempter' here since Emily is referred to as 'temptress' but that just didn't sound right to me. It doesn't have the same ring as temptress does. So, I decided to go with seducer as - with a quick Google search - it was the next best thing.)

The ringing of the bell soon ended and, with a surprisingly soft voice, the town messenger then began to give the weather forecast. But he didn't get far before Lord Barkis cut him off.

"Enough! That will be all."

As he left the room, everyone could only look off in shock and horror. They had not expected to hear that, especially Victor and his parents. Victor wasn't sure why, but something felt off about this. If (Y/N) was seeing a man, she would have told him. He would have been the only one she could trust to know like that.

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