Chapter 9 - Exposed And Misunderstanding

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In Victoria's room, she was busying herself by sewing the last bits of a quilt, trying her best to be calm amongst all the uncertainty. However, the same could not be said for Victor. His sister had still not shown up and time was beginning to run out. He wanted to marry Victoria, that he was certain of, but he knew he'd never forgive himself if he did it while (Y/N) was missing.

"Victor, I'm sure she'll turn up. We just need to have faith." Victoria sweetly called out to him as he sadly sat next to her.

"I'm sure you're right but something feels off. I have this nagging feeling that something terrible happened to her but I just can't seem to say what it might be."

It was quiet for a moment before Victoria stopped her work and timidly asked, "Victor...can you see us living together? Happily, that is."


"Well, I was not entirely sure about all this. I feared we may not even like each other. But I've grown fond of your caring nature and slight clumsiness." Both chuckled at her comment before she went on, "You've shown me sides to you that I thought would be impossible to see in a person. Seeing how my parents are with one another, I feared the same fate. But, from what I've observed, we're nothing like them and I can see myself being happily married to you. Do you feel the same way?"

Victor smiled at her words and, with a sudden burst of bravery, he took her hand in his. She looked up at him, smiling as well. The answer seemed obvious at that point but Victor still managed to say it.

"Victoria, this morning I was terrified of marriage. But, meeting you, I felt I should be with you always and our wedding could not come soon enough. I think I could be very happy if I married you."

The mood lightened in the room by a considerable amount and, for a moment, they forgot all their troubles. They forgot the postponed ceremony, the disaster with the vows, everything seemed to slip away and all that mattered was that they were together.

Victor went to lean in for a kiss when he suddenly noticed something by Victoria's balcony. A figure climbed over the railing but fell over it and onto the balcony with a painful-sounding thud. For a moment, Victor was ready to call out for help and maybe even receive the aid of Lord Everglot's musket but when the figure stood up, he recognised their face immediately.


He sprung to his feet and opened the balcony doors for her as quickly as he could. She clutched onto him, as her adrenaline failed and exhaustion took over. Both Victor and Victoria were in a state of shock at seeing her. Neither worried about her tattered clothes or messy hair. All they cared about was getting her warm.

"Quick, by the fire." Victoria ushered, pulling the practically frozen girl out of Victor's arms and over to a chair close to the fireplace. "You're as cold as death."

"Are you alright?" Victor questioned worriedly.

(Y/N) stared at her brother, almost not believing that she was right in front of him and the weight of her worries seemed to lift as she said, "Oh, Victor, I've been so worried about you."

"Me? (Y/N), you've been missing for hours. No one knew where you were."

"What? But you were with me. You should have told everyone by now what had happened." (Y/N) stated in confusion.

"I was knocked unconscious. I can't really remember what happened."


This was quite awkward. She was hoping Victor had woken and immediately rushed to tell everyone what had happened. She knew people might not believe him, considering the story was that she was taken by a corpse, but if she showed up and told the same story then it might have been better. 

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