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It had been the worst week of Lincoln's life since his family called him bad luck at Lynn Jr.'s game.

At first he tried very hard to fix things, he apologized and was honest about how the whole bad luck thing was and he even brought Lynn Jr.'s match dressed as a squirrel to show that it wasn't his fault that she lost the match in the first place.

Once the whole matter was almost clarified, they had asked him to accompany them to the beach, but he had to go with the squirrel suit, since they believed that this was some kind of suit that contained his bad luck. He refused and told them that it was going to be too hot on the beach for him to resist inside the suit, not to mention that it was a stupid idea, his family did not take it well and sent the boy to Aunt Ruth. That day he had to change many cat litter boxes and massage his aunt's disgusting extra finger.

On Sunday night, the white-haired boy was lying on the ground in the backyard of his house, the rain and cold hit his body hard, but he doesn't care, he's just looking at the sky with an expression of total anger, no one he knew he was a time bomb about to explode, there was. He had kept these feelings in his heart for too long, he struggled so hard to contain them, to make reason, love and hope prevail over everything but a whole limit and Lincoln had reached his.

It's over... ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! Yelled fiercely Lincoln.

In great anger, he walks to the front door of his house, gaining momentum and giving the door a good kick to open it.

Lola was putting on her makeup a few steps from the door and she was shocked by the sudden intrusion of her older brother.

Lola: Lincoln!!! What the hell is wrong with you? Do you want to scare me to death?!!! Exclaimed the girl.

Lincoln didn't say a word, his face expressed anger and his eyes were uncontrollable, he walked next to her without paying the slightest attention and was preparing to go up the stairs to go to his room.

Lola: What do you think you're doing? Did you lose the trial? You can't get in without the squirell suit. You could hurt everyone with your bad luck! I'll tell Dad!

Lincoln stops dead, turns around and steps in front of Lola.

Lincoln: Guess how much I care, gossiper, why don't you also tell him who broke his first cooking trophy, I'm sure he'll love the answer.

Lola shuddered at her brother's response, she was the one who accidentally broke her father's precious trophy, it was a secret she revealed to her sisters in their meetings, they all swore never to say anything about the secret, including Lincoln, he was most trusted of her sisters but now she threatened to tell Dad.

Lola: Eee... is. Wait, you can't tell him, you swore you wouldn't tell him!

Lincoln: I don't really care if he swears or not, now disappear, Lola, before I make you a little human pink pretzel! He says angrily.

Lola was nervous because her brother had never acted like that, she expected a response like that from Lori or maybe from Lynn, but never from Lincoln but after a few seconds, a dark smile painted her face.

Lola: Hahaha! Good one, Lincoln, looks like we have another comedian in the family. Why don't you go do a silly comedy act with Luan?

Lincoln raises an intrigued and angry eyebrow: What?

Lola: Think a little, brother, do you really even think they're going to believe you? After all, you are unlucky and I am the sweet and tender Lola Loud. I can simply tell Dad that I was cleaning his trophy, you appeared and because of your misfortune, the trophy slipped from my hands and fell to pieces. Now, tell me, Linky, who would they believe, you or me? Lola said triumphantly.

Lincoln looked at her for a few seconds and then returned the same grim smile.

He approached and knelt right in front of her and whispered in her ear.

Lincoln: Sure, you could do that, but perhaps your beloved trophies could have an unfortunate accident.

Lola: What do you mean? She said between closing her eyes.

Lincoln: You know, maybe Lynn's bat ends up in my hands and because of my bad luck, I will fall on top of your precious trophies over and over again until they break to pieces.

Lola began to tremble and stared at him. Just by seeing his eyes, she knew the white-haired boy was not lying.

Lola: You... you... you don't do that. The little one hesitated.

Lincoln: Now I do, and I want you to remember this. Now your threats are nothing against me, I want you to tell me one thing... sister... what can I lose that I haven't already lost? He gave coldly.

Lola: I stay quiet.

Lincoln: Instead you... my little sister in pink... you really have a lot to lose.

Lola backed away in fear, a small tear escaping from her right eye.

Lincoln: If you'll excuse me, I have a barricade to pull down.

The boy went up the stairs and Lola was left sobbing in silence.

One week before

It was Monday morning at the Royal Woods school. The matter of Lincoln's bad luck had spread in his school, friends who he thought would support him forever turned their backs on him to save appearances, it was not convenient for them to be with Lincoln. If they were at the end of the school popularity triangle with the bad luck guy, they wouldn't even be in that social triangle.

The only one who was with him was his best friend Clyde, despite what they said about the white-haired boy, his best friend defended him, Clyde would never turn his back on him, no matter if they also labeled him bad luck, he would not leave Lincoln alone in this war.

At lunch time, the duo of best friends sat at a table in the school cafeteria, Clyde noticed that there were empty tables around them in an almost perfect circle, it seemed that the students tried to avoid them at all costs.

Lincoln: Clyde, I don't know what to do, I mean, at first, it was great to have time to myself and take a break from my sisters, but then when I wanted to reconcile with them, they kept saying I was bad luck and not going near them. Even Lisa, the smartest of my sisters, believes in the silly superstition of bad luck. They no longer want me in their lives. Lincoln said sadly.

Clyde: Wow, Lincoln, I never thought this could happen, I mean, how superstitious do you have to be to turn your back on family?

Lincoln: And it's not even the worst, Clyde, Lana blocked my bedroom door and excused herself saying that bad luck can spread if I sleep on the same floor as them. So I had to sleep outside, luckily Vanzilla has a broken door, so I was sleeping there for the time being.

Clyde: What?! How is that even possible?

Lincoln: I don't know, buddy, but you know... I don't care that they kicked me out of my own room, I don't care that they took me out of all their activities, I don't care that mom and dad didn't intercede because it's something that, according to their words, we should "fix" between us, BUT!!! But... when my grandfather told me that it could be dangerous for me to spend time with him because something bad could happen to him because of me... That... that broke my heart.

Clyde: Lincoln...

Lincoln: I'm afraid, Clyde, I think that... that... I hate...

Lincoln's Partner: Well, look who we have here!

No Such Luck: Lincoln's CounterattackWhere stories live. Discover now