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Chandler: Well, it's Lincoln, the unlucky kid and his trusty bloody-nosed sidekick. How are you, losers?

Clyde was nervous, he knew that Chandler was someone to be afraid of, not only was he the most popular among his classmates, but he was also friends with the worst bullies in school and they, if Chandler asked them to, could make the life of Clyde and Lincoln a real hell.

Lincoln, for his part in other circumstances, would be just as nervous or more nervous than his friend, but this time he didn't feel nervous or anything like that, just another feeling, one he wasn't familiar with. It could be said that he had found his courage.

Clyde: Wh-w-w-w-what's... wrong, Chandler? He said nervously.

Lincoln: What the hell do you want here?

Clyde looked at his friend in shock. Had he heard right? Did Lincoln talk back to Chandler?

Chandler: Be careful with that attitude, snowflake, or I'll end up burying your social life here, or well, I don't know if I can bury it more than it already is.

Lincoln looked at Chandler angrily, this made Clyde worry more.

Chandler: Anyway, I have a message for you, awkward. Liam and Rusty don't want you to be on their team for the science fair anymore, they're afraid you'll ruin the project with your stupid bad luck. Chandler smiled.

Lincoln: And why the hell don't they come and tell me?

Chandler: I told you to be careful how you talk to me, silly, but well, obviously, not that they don't want you to hit them with your bad luck, so I came to humbly offer myself to give you the message for them.

Lincoln: I see, Mr. Messenger, and are you not afraid of my bad luck?

Chandler: Did you see my idiot face? You have to be very stupid or superstitious to believe in something like bad luck, things happen and now, there is no magical explanation or superior force that conspires against you.

Lincoln was completely confused.

Lincoln: Wait... so if you don't believe in bad luck, why didn't you even clear up the rumors about me?

Chandler: Easy, because I'm not interested in what happens to you loser, a nice show is being put on here at school for you and I'm not going to lift a finger, what's more I want to be in the front row to see how all this explodes in your face.

Lincoln: Why? What did I do to you?

Chandler: Why? Because I want to, as simple as that.

Lincoln was stunned by the response. He felt how his anger was increasing a little, he had experienced too many bad things and he was beginning to lose patience.

He unconsciously began to clench his fists and his gaze became more serious.

Clyde: Don't worry, Lincoln, we fixed this! If they take you off the team, I'll go with you, buddy! Exclaimed the boy.

Lincoln looked at Clyde for a few seconds, he knew very well that his friend would not leave him alone, but on the other hand, Lincoln also knew how hard Clyde had worked for this project, his friend spent whole days gathering information and looking for the necessary materials so that everything would be perfect and thus have a great grade, want to impress his parents and perhaps show Lori how intelligent and capable he could be, of course the last was unlikely.

Lincoln's Mind: (I can't do this to you, buddy, you worked so hard for everything to go to hell for me.)

Starting over with a new science project was not an option, the science fair was just around the corner and there was almost no time. Of course, if they had great help from Lisa, the genius girl would be another story, but at that moment, Lincoln could not count on the most intelligent of his sisters, since she was one of the ones who believed in bad luck the most of Lincoln.

The white-haired boy thought of all the options, there was only one way for things to turn out well, but it required a sacrifice...his.

Clyde: Chandler... please tell the guys I'm going with Lincoln. Together, we will make a new project.

Lincoln: No! Tell them I'm going alone, Clyde stays on the team and will be with them, that's all.

Chandler: Well, anyway, there goes a couple of idiots. And the boy went to a cafeteria table to talk to other boys.

Clyde: What the hell was that? Do you think I'm going to sit idly by while my best friend is kicked off the team for some absurd superstition?

Lincoln: Calm down, Clyde, it's not a big deal.

Clyde: What calms me down? Don't ask me to calm down! Lincoln, you are experiencing a true injustice. I am not going to be in a team where you are not. He said angrily.

Lincoln: Clyde, who do you think you're talking to, buddy? He said taking a shoulder to calm him down.

Lincoln: I'm Lincoln Loud, the man with the plan! Do you seriously think that I would not have a plan for this situation? But the thing is, I can't tell you yet, but I need you to team up for me, sooner or later the guys will come to their senses and we won't be laughing about this along with a big note for the project, I promise!

Clyde: But... Lincoln.

Lincoln: No buts, buddy, everything will be fine! Have a little faith in me. The albino smiled at him.

Clyde: It's OK... I trust you, buddy. He smiled back at his best friend.

Lincoln: Now, Lincoln, hurry up and eat a peanut butter sandwich before I eat it.

Clyde: Hahaha, you would!

Both children laughed.

However, Lincoln thought worriedly while he ate.

Lincoln's Thoughts: (I'll think about how to get out of this, but if I sink, I'll sink alone, Clyde won't fall with me, I hope I can fix this.)

Back to the present

Lincoln walked down the second floor hallway, leaving a trail of water to the door of his room.

He looked at her for a few seconds angrily, blocking the way was a barricade nailed by his little sister Lana.

(I need a crowbar to get that stupid thing out) - he thought.

So the boy entered the twins' room and searched through the little tomboy's things to see if that tool was there.

It didn't take long to find, when he took the tool and was about to return to the entrance of his room, he saw his pet Charles who growled at him.

The little dog had been instructed by Lana to keep Lincoln out of the house.

Charles barked viciously at Lincoln in warning.

Lincoln just looked at him angrily and continued moving towards the door.

Charles did the unthinkable. He took a bit of a run, opened his mouth and the dog patted its head slowly.

Lincoln: Sshhh, it's OK, Charles, I know this isn't your fault, you're just a victim of circumstance.

The dog automatically loosened its jaw and released the white-haired boy's leg, it began to cry like a scared puppy and began to lick the place where it had bit Lincoln.

The boy was still angry, but he couldn't help but smile, Charles, despite being indoctrinated by Lana, recognized Lincoln as his owner and friend and was really sad for what he did, he noticed it in the little dog's trembling.

Lincoln knelt down and gave the sad dog a few more caresses to calm him down. When the dog calmed down, the boy got up and was determined to remove the barricade from his door.

Lincoln: My sisters are going to pay for this.

No Such Luck: Lincoln's CounterattackWhere stories live. Discover now