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"Yes, and it's very sore." Miso answered quickly, wincing at the tug of her skin. Glances between Yoonah, Wonyoung and Jiwoo were shared along with mustered giggles.

The three older girls had pulled the Choi girl into the school toilets immediately after spotting her at her locker and demanded to see the dare she'd accepted that weekend — and to say they were shocked once seeing she actually went through with it would be an understatement.

"You're crazy..." Wonyoung spoke just above a whisper as she awed at the ink on Miso's skin.

A sly giggle erupted from Yoonah's plump lips as she stood tall and folded her arms across her chest. "We don't need to see it anymore." She ordered the girl to pull down her jumper and a breath of relief accentuated from Miso's lips. "You're cool." Yoonah commented, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

At once, Miso couldn't help but smile widely with joy and success. They accepted her. Finally. Choi Yoonah complimented her — said she was cool. She couldn't believe it. She couldn't wait to tell Kai later on.

"We'll see you at lunch, Miso." Yoonah smiled, before nodding to the girls on either side of her and leaving Miso alone — Miso, who didn't notice the eye rolls and sly smirks being sent to one another.

She was happy they liked her.

Later that day, as the Choi girl minded her own business, her head in her thoughts still thinking about the events from this morning, she failed to notice the small group of students before her. So, as she opened her binder to retrieve the homework she worked hard on the night before for her upcoming class, she hit the back of someone, causing her belongings to fall and scatter on the floor.

A gasp of shock quickly escaped her pink painted lips and she immediately kneeled down to collect her things, apologies falling off her tongue in the midst.

Once her things were collected, and back in her hold, she stood back up and instantly, Miso felt her breath get caught in her throat as she eyes landed on the person she'd bumped into.

Nishimura Niki.

He stood leaned against the locker — which most definitely was not his — with a cocky smirk on his round lips. His hands were loosely in his jean pockets as he looked down at her, making her feel more than intimidated.

Miso's brown eyes travelled over to the two other Greasers stood behind Niki. One of them had a small face, yet his features were sharp — almost cat like. His eyes were piercing and dark and they glared at her. His lips were in between full and thin and his hair was brown, nearly black and it parted in the middle of his head with a little bit of a kink to it.

Then, once Miso had taken in the boy standing furthest from Niki features, she took in the boy stood between them. His face was round, and his cheeks were full. His hair was black and sat on his head, shining quite a bit due to the hair gel. His eyes were calm to look at, yet they were also sharp and Miso couldn't help but think of a fox. He looked sweet and innocent, and the bruises and cuts that decorated his face reminded Miso of a beat up puppy.

"Nice to see you, Dollface." Niki spoke, looking the shorter girl up and down. "How's the tattoo?" He cocked an eyebrow and nodded his head to the area he not long tattooed.

Miso's eyes widened and she quickly looked over at the other two Greasers who shared the same expression as her.

"This was the Yuppie you tattooed?" The Greaser with cat-like features asked, looking Miso up and down before nudging Niki's arm. "That's Choi Beomgyu's baby sister."

Miso couldn't help but glare at them all, though she held the harshest glare on the Nishimura boy. "You said you wouldn't tell anyone." She uttered in betrayal — but what did she expect? He was a Greaser. Greasers were the least most trustworthy people going.

"Never said that, Doll." He chuckled and stood up properly so that he was no longer leaning against the lockers.

"But —" Before Miso had the chance to say anything back, she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders and was quickly pulled into the persons chest.

Looking up, it's soon revealed that Minhee was the one to pull her in close as he sent daggers at Niki and his Greaser friends. "What're you doing hanging out with these low-lifers?" He snarled.

Miso parted her lips, about to speak up and explain that she'd only bumped into them and that she was on her way, however before words could leave her mouth, Niki had already stepped forward and shoved Minhee against the lockers.

"I'll show you low-life when you're blacked and blue." The taller boy threatened, tightening his grip on the Kang boys letterman jacket.

Miso's eyes widened and she took a glance over at Niki's Greaser friends in hopes they would do something to stop a fight breaking out. Yet, when her eyes landed on them, the brown haired boy had already taken a step forward and gripped Niki's arm, warning him to stop, whilst the bruised boy tensed up and took a few steps back.

"Come on, Minhee." Miso sighed and reached out to pull him back as he glared at the three boys they were now walking away — Niki still angry. "Minhee, let's go." She ordered and with another tug, he was following after her, a scoff leaving his lips as he re-adjusted his jacket and dusted himself off.

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