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Once Miso had handed it to him, her stomach churning with nerves, the boy immediately opened it, far too impatient to wait any longer. He was like a five year old at Christmas, and Miso couldn't help but watch in awe.

Niki's eyes softened at the sight of what was in the box. It was a silver, key chain in the shape of a star that he could hang his motorcycle keys from.

"I know it ain't a much, and it's only small, but —" Before Choi Miso got the chance to complete her sentence, she was cut off by Niki placing his hands on the side of her face and pressing his lips against hers, shutting her up with a passionate, meaningful, kiss.

The Greasers heart clenched at the thought of someone so special to him gifting him something. It was peculiar for Niki to ever get something new, and so when that something new came from someone so meaningful to him, he didn't know what to do — or how to act.

"Thank you, So." He stated once they'd pulled away so that he could look at the keychain once again. "Ain't no one ever get me stuff as nice as this, so thank you. I love it — and I love you." He explained, and quickly, Miso's cheeks heated up and she bit down on her bottom lip to try and contain her grin.

"It's alright, Niki." She shrugged, lowering her head as her heart pounded against her chest.

As the night went on, the couple lounged around on her bed; Niki's head resting in her lap as she played with his coloured hair whilst they listened to the record that was playing.

It was peaceful and calming, and if it wasn't for Niki breaking the silence between them, she would've fallen into a deep slumber.

"You should spend Christmas with us, Doll." He suggested, referring to himself and their friend as he opened his eyes to look up at her. The question had been on his mind for a while now, and after bringing it up to his friend and seeing that they approved of the idea, he couldn't wait to ask her.

Miso bit back a smile at his proposal and she felt her heart flutter. "I like that idea, Niki." She bobbed her head.

"Really?" He questioned.

"Yeah," She nodded. "I'd love to spend Christmas with you."

Looking up at the 'Soc', their eyes met as a smile tugged at the Greasers lip and he slowly reached his hand arm to her face, brushing the loose strands of hair behind Miso's ear.

"You're so beautiful, So." He complimented, his voice low and seductive, instantly causing the younger girl to break out in a deep blush. She would never get use to his compliments.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Niki wondered, a mischievous grin replacing his sweet smile as Miso continued to run her hands through his hair. "Remember when I accidentally left my lighter here?"

Nodding her head, Miso suspiciously looked down at him, thinking back to the time she had to search the entire South Side for him just to return his engraved lighter.

"Well I did it on purpose." He revealed, smirking an evil smirk as a gasp left Miso's now parted lips.

"Are you shitting me, Niki?" She chuckled, shock overtaking her as the boy laughed at the use of her language.

"I thought you were choice before the whole situation with your brother, so I had to get your attention somehow." He explained, shrugging his shoulders like it was the most obvious thing ever.

Shaking her head in disbelief, a breathy chuckle passed her parted lips. "You're crazy, Niki, you know that?"

"Crazy for you, Choi Miso."

The next morning, after Miso tiredly opened her eyes to the bright sunlight that seeped through her curtains, she sat up in her bed, a yawn leaving her mouth.

Niki was no longer there to keep the other side of her bed warm which saddened her slightly, however she understood he couldn't be there beside her in the morning — just in case her parents returned.

Throwing her silk sheets off of her body, she left her bedroom with the thought of breakfast on her mind. Her stomach was angrily growling as she walked down the corridor of her home and as he wiped the sleep from her eyes, she unexpectedly collided with someone's firm chest.

"You look rough, little sis." She heard Beomgyu comment, causing her to roll her eyes and groan as she walked straight past him and into the kitchen to make food.

He was back...

"Not gonna have breakfast with your South Side friends?" He questioned in a snarky tone as he followed after her, right on her tail practically.

All Miso did was ignore him. She was far too tired and hungry to deal with him right now, and so once she finished making her cereal, she sat down at the dining table and began to eat.

"Where's Mum and Dad?" Miso asked, breaking the tense silence, glancing over at her brother, who leaned against the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal in his hands.

"So you're talking to me now?" He raised a brow, causing Miso's blood to boil. He always knew how to get under her skin.

"Just answer the question, Beomgyu."

A huff passed the Choi boys lips and he rolled his eyes. "They went on a get away trip — thanks to you, you've driven Mum insane. She couldn't be around here no longer." He informed and Miso nodded her head slightly, a twinge of guilt appearing in the pit of her stomach.

"They won't be back until the new year." He finished, sending his sister a dirty look before shoving his dish into the sink, clearly expecting somebody else to clean it for him.

As the news began to sink in, Choi Miso couldn't help but ignore the guilty feeling she once felt as it was soon overtaken by joy.

She didn't have to worry about sneaking through her window early hours in the morning for a while — and she definitely no longer had to worry about making up some excuse for her not to be here Christmas Day.


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