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Everything was becoming too much for Miso -- with the whole Niki situation, losing her best friend, Huening Kai, and now her parents finding out -- she didn't know how to cope with it. Never in her seventeen years of living had she had to deal with so many problems. 

Sobs escaped past her lips as she sat down on her bed, clutching her tightened chest as she felt droplets of sweat glide down the back of her neck. It was a frightening experience for the Choi girl as she didn't know what was happening to her. She couldn't understand why her mouth had become so dry and why her stomach churned, making her want to throw up -- or why her limbs were trembling and her chest caused her pain. 

Was she having a heart attack? Would this be how she dies? Alone, in her bedroom, crying from heart break?

Miso soon laid back on her bed in a fetus position as she cried out, hoping the painful feeling would soon go away. 

Whilst she stayed huddled, the scent of the jacket she was wearing hit her nose and immediately, she felt a pang of familiarity hit her as she soon remembered it as the smell of Niki. Memories the two shared together began to play out in her head like a movie -- from the first time they met at the tattoo parlour to when he gave her a piggy back ride home and to when they shared their first kiss on the bed she laid on. He made her feel safe and calmed her when he wasn't even around, and without realising, the girls breathing began to slow down. 

It was almost like Miso could hear the Nishimura boys voice in her head as her chest stopped heaving and the panic running through her veins begin to slowly vanish. 

Eventually, once Miso finally calmed down, she remained laying above her sheets with chapped lips as she continued to think about Niki before her eyes soon started to feel heavy. She was tired of everything and her throat felt sore, so without another thought, Miso gave in to her exhaustion with Niki still circling her mind. 

It was the sounds of knocking at Miso's bedroom door that pulled her from her slumber. The girls eyes tiredly opened as she slowly sat up on her bed, still a bit disoriented from the deep sleep she was once in. 

Before she had the chance on deciding whether she wanted the person behind the door to enter, they walked in, making Miso let out a huff. Choi Beomgyu looked sheepish as he hesitantly sat himself at the end of the girls bed, fiddling with bottom of his letterman jacket. 

"What do you want?" Miso questioned, refusing to look at him. This was his fault. 

"I'm sorry, Miso." Beomgyu sighed, lowering his head in embarrassment and shame. "I was only trying to look out for my kid sister." He explained, looking up and over at Miso, who rolled her eyes and shook in her head. 

"Get lost, Beomgyu." She scoffed, standing up from her bed so that she could stand in front of her sat brother.  "I've had enough of you and your selfish shit! You do this all the time - you mess up, apologise, and then do it all over again. I'm not gonna fall for your stupid tricks anymore." 

Miso was quick to notice her brother's jaw clench in fury and annoyance and he glared his dark eyes at her. For a moment, Miso felt her stomach drop with nervousness as she became worried as to what he might possibly do to her. 

The angered boy slowly stood up from her bed and took a step towards his sister, simply towering over as she took a few steps away from him whilst her breathing hitched. He'd always had an evil side...

"You're a disgrace to our family." Beomgyu growled just above a whisper, before he shoved the girls shoulder and walked out of her bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Miso stayed silent as she bit down on her bottom lip. She wasn't going to shed anymore tears over people that didn't care for her. 

After a while of cleaning herself up, she had the plan of heading over to Ria's place and staying there for a little while. She was the closest thing she had to a best friend at the moment so she knew the Greaser girl wouldn't mind. 

As Miso left her bedroom and made her way down the corridor, she couldn't help but overhear the hushed whispers that belonged to her brother who was speaking to someone on the corded landline. Her brows furrowed in confusion for a short moment -- howbeit, she soon shrugged her shoulders and continued walking, not caring about Beomgyu's business. 

Once she made it downstairs, she could hear her parents still talking about the situation in the kitchen, only making Miso roll her eyes and open the front door, capturing her mother and father's attention, causing them to yell after her, but Miso only ignored them whilst she made her way down the street. 

The sun was beginning to set once she arrived to the South Side, her hands were stuffed in the pockets of Niki's jacket as she walked along the path, minding her business. There wasn't many Greasers around, roaming the streets which was quite strange, but nevertheless, Miso shrugged that thought off. 

The usual noises of yells, dogs barking, cats meowing and car horns were took from the Choi girls focus as her hearing was swarmed by the sound of a car slowly driving beside her. She could feel her heartbeat begin to race once realising that the car was following her. What did they want? Without hesitation, Miso began to pick up her pace. 

Panic took over her body as she heard their window roll down as they picked up their speed to match hers, and huffing to herself, Miso stopped her movement and turned to face the red Mustang. 

Immediately, her eyes widened in shock as they landed on Choi Yeonjun, and Kim Chanyoung and two other Socs in the back seat. Why were they following her? 

"I hear you're a freak now!" Yeonjun yelled out with a smirk on his plump lips as he put his foot down on the breaks. "I always wondered how you ended up being Beomgyu's sister -- you're nothing alike -- you're just a square!"

All Miso could do was roll her eyes. She never liked Yeonjun -- or any of her brothers friends for that matter. They were all so stuck up and selfish, that it became impossible for Miso to be around them. 

"Stop being so tight and shove off!" Miso spat, looking at the four boys in disgust -- however, Miso retaliating only seemed to fuel the Socs anger and without another word, the four of them exited the car, slamming the door aggressively.

Miso's eyes widened in shock and fear and she quickly broke out into a sprint down the street as they chased after her. 

Choi Miso was done for.


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