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In a dark room , the air was thick with tension , there was errie silence around us accept from roaring and grunting voice coming from aslan who was desperate for his today's meal .
That moron he actually thinks that ABHIMANYU RAICHAND is someone to mess withhhh , ahaaaaa no he and everyone should know that Abhimanyu Raichand is a power not to be mess with if someone try to then he/she better hide somewhere or else I'll show them the actual hell right on this earth only , for today my prey is this bloody moron laying in front of me , face swollen and bruised, one hand was brutally detached from his body , a deep cut slicing from his inner thigh upto outer one .
I continued to sip on my coffee along with throwing some hot coffee on his open bruised face so that motherfucker can get up from his Beauty sleep .
His eyes slowly flutters open trying to find something out

"You're alive right now. That accident was so damn deadly, nobody was supposed to survive. I was dragging your sister out like crazy, but you, how the hell are you alive?" He stuttered in fear because of his pathetic condition .My brows furrows and anger surges through every bit in my body , taking a blunt knife from the weapons drawer , I went near him digging the knife near his core , I grunted .

" How dare you defile my sister with those unclean hands, I've warned you time and time again to keep your distance from my family. Tread carefully, for you are skating on thin ice, and one more misstep could lead you straight to the gates of hell".

" Ohhh howw I wish siya would have given me the access - close but no cigar , just cause of that bloody gurl " I was glaring at him nothing but with rage .

" You've had the audacity to meddle with my sensitive deal-related confidential information, and now this? Do you truly believe I've been patient with you for long enough? Hmmph! "

"You dare to touch my princess with those hands? How about I peel them off, huh?" As if his dead cells became alive and started processing that what I'm gonna do with him , a light wave of fear spread across his face and his body started trembling.

I brought the paring knife near his armpit of the one hand he had left with , as he tried to shift in his spot , clutching his arm , I started to peel his flesh of that hand , his screams echoing in the room , I stuffed a most dangerous drug in his mouth so that he can understand how it feels when someone spikes our drinks. Fucker even screams like bitch , yesss ofc moron like them should treat in the most worsen way , in a freaking cruel way this was nothing just a entry welcome in abhimanyu raichand's hell .As I was about to shoot him Kabir came out of nowhere but I sensed that it was somthing urgent otherwise he never go against my words as I have denied everyone even my guards to enter in the basement while I was dealing with this moron, but he did , by his body posture and words I can sense that somthing is fishy "B....Boss.....umm..s...siyaa" Kabir meekly whispered but I can sense the growing tension in his eyes.

"Got panick attack again " I replied as I already know what have happened.

I tucked my gun back handing aslan his meal to enjoy and I can hear his happy roars ,and rushed back to palace .

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