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As I settled into the chair, a flurry of thoughts raced through my mind. “Why would he call me in? I haven’t caused any trouble recently,” I pondered. My inner critic chimed in, teasingly suggesting, “Maybe it’s to propose.” I couldn’t help but mock myself in return, “Oh great, but I’m not even dressed for that occasion!”

“Idiot,” dusht prani murmured under her breath.

“Same to you, back to you, no return,” I retorted, not missing a beat.

My banter was abruptly interrupted by Mr. Chand’s stern voice. “Miss Akshara, I’ve noticed you’re not performing your duties adequately.”

I was taken aback. “What? I’m not doing my job properly , huhhh? This is the same man who was glued to that chipkali during office hours, and he’s accusing me of slacking off?” Despite my internal outrage, I managed to ask with a strained, polite smile, “What did I do wrong, sir?”

He paused for a moment before accusing, “You haven’t correctly checked this file; it still has some errors.”

“That’s impossible, sir. I checked this file myself three times, and Rahul checked it as well,” I defended myself, reaching out to take the file back. “If there are errors, give it to me; I’ll check it again.”

He dismissed my attempt, “Leave it. I corrected the error myself.”

“Liar,” I thought bitterly. And then he questioned his brows raised in rage 'ABB KYA HUA INHE' “who is this Rahul? I don’t think he works in finance department on this floor”

“Oh, actually, I was in the cafeteria during lunchtime when I was checking the file, and he’s the head of the managing department. I just asked for a little bit of his help,” I explained, pinching my thumb and index finger together to emphasize ‘a little bit.’

“And who told you to seek help from someone else?” he growled, his anger palpable as he closed the distance between us. Despite the space, his proximity was overwhelming.

“Mr. Cha… I mean, Mr. Raichand,” I stammered, but he cut me off.

“From now on, you will work in my cabin only. AM I CLEAR? , And there is no need for ask someone else's help , if you want help than you can directly approach me” he declared.

I nodded, unable to find my voice as his closeness seemed to freeze my words.

“But sir, you haven’t explained what the problem is with asking for help from someone else,” I inquired, my curiosity piqued by his odd behavior. “Is he jealous?” my inner voice wondered.

“Jealous? As if he cares at all. I bet it doesn’t affect him one bit,” I countered internally, well aware of his disdain for me. Yet, his actions only served to draw me in further.

𝓜𝔂 𝓘𝓶𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓪𝓵 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮Where stories live. Discover now