Chapter 9: Onward We Go

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I saw a question about weapons and if Luffy will ever use one. If he ever does it will be post-time skip. I've got a pretty clear picture in my head of Luffy's progression through pre-time skip, after that it's murky waters. So if it happens it will be then, but don't get too hung up on it it might not happen.

Another question was about pairings and if people will ever pair off. Specifically, Luffy. I agree everyone deserves to find love, but like you said it's not the main focus of the story. So more than likely I will tease allll the way to the end and then there will be some payoff... if this ever gets there:) don't hate me. Also, don't expect Nami to be the only one a little interested, I did say Luffy would be the apple of many eyes;)

Also, when I came up with Saul, the first image I got in my head was Idris Elba as Heimdall in Thor. He isn't exactly the same in my head and I tried to show that through his description. But still, it is a very good representation if you're having trouble imagining the way he looks. Just something I thought I might mention.

Not much to say about this one other than I hope you enjoy it.


Chapter 9: Onward We Go

Zoro walked cautiously up to the door that Saul's forge stood behind. Luffy and Nami had already headed toward the docks after the three finished gathering supplies around the town, and now he had one last thing to do before he joined them.

They had food, water, and one or two other things to help them on the way to Mad Treasures's hideout. Nami said they would be stopping along the way to restock so they wouldn't need enough to last them the whole trip, only enough to get them to the next island. She had also made Zoro buy everything. He'd complained, but the orangette was stingy when it came to money... Stingy was probably an understatement.

The verdet knocked on the door and the sound of hammering coming from the other side stopped and was replaced by approaching footsteps. The swordsman knew Saul would likely be a little upset. He didn't like being interrupted while he was at the forge. And then there was the fact that he was leaving... Zoro took a deep breath. He was almost sad to go. For as much as they insulted each other, the teenager had grown to respect Saul and his gruff personality. He had even more respect for the man's work.

The door opened abruptly.

"Whaddya want brat?", Saul asked, impatiently, the forge bellowing in the room behind him.

He might as well rip the band-aid off. "I'm quitting, old man.", Zoro said without batting an eye, waiting for the blacksmith to explode. It took a moment for the swordsman's words to register but when they did, something akin to sadness crossed Saul's face, if it could even be called that. The man quickly brushed the emotion aside and replied, "Bout damn time, I was tired of seeing your bratty little face every day.".

Zoro laughed. He was going to miss the old man. "Well, I didn't want to just up and leave after all the good you've done for me. So, this is goodbye.", he said. It didn't need to be some huge thing, they were never like that. Zoro turned to leave but was stopped before he could take his first step.

"Wait right there.".

The swordsman turned back in the direction of the door only to hear retreating footsteps as Saul made his way back inside the forge room. Zoro watched through the doorway in confusion as the man approached the wall and tapped a brick that looked slightly out of place. A click echoed through the space and a part of the back wall slid aside to reveal a very plain-looking black box.

Saul carefully placed his hand on the front of the box and began to pull. It showed itself to be much longer than Zoro had originally thought as the blacksmith continued to pull until the end finally showed. Now resting in Saul's hands was a long box about the length of a katana. The man looked at it with a mix of emotions Zoro couldn't decipher before hitting the same brick again, the one that had opened the panel, and walking back toward the door as it slowly shut itself. The man said nothing as he stopped and held the box up to Zoro, mixed emotions still clear on his face.

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