Chapter 32: Outmatched

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I'm back! It's been a while, I know, but I needed to take a little time away and let my creative juices recharge. But we are back now! I'm excited to get this chapter out because I've had the next couple of chapters in my head for a long time so I'm really eager to write them. Also, we pass 200K words with this chapter which is absolutely crazy!

This chapter may pan out differently than you expected, but I hope it still satisfies. I might come back and add a little more to it later, but for now, I just really wanted to get this one out. I hope you guys like it!

Thanks again for all the likes, follows, and comments. Would love to hear what you think about the chapter!

Without further ado, here's chapter 32. Happy reading!


Chapter 32: Outmatched

"Like the old geezer said... I gotta go take out some trash.", Sanji said, turning away from the woman as she rushed to the moss ball's side. Hopefully, she'd be able to do the stitches on her own. He really didn't need the shitty swordsman dying on him... Luffy would be pissed... He shook the thought away and made his way through the entrance of the Baratie, stepping over broken pieces of wood.

Gin rolled out from under his captain and groaned, slowly bringing his body into a sitting position before making to stand back up. His hazy eyes found a person walking out of the entrance of the restaurant and they eventually cleared enough for him to make out a head of blond hair.

"DAMN IT!", Krieg screamed, slamming his fist into the wood, "Who the hell are these damn kids?!". He spat blood from his mouth and scowled at the approaching figure as he also stood to his feet, brandishing his golden shield in the chef's direction.

"The name's Sanji.", the blond said stopping a short distance away from the two recovering pirates. He sent the men a teasing smirk before making to bow, "Chef of the...".

Sanji paused when he realized he didn't know the name of the pirate group he'd joined, his cheek reddening slightly. It was probably something he should have asked his captain... The boy shrugged to himself and straightened back out, his small smirk still in place. He'd just have to guess for now... "The Straw Hat Pirates.", he said proudly. It sounded good at least... He'd ask Mosshead if he was right when the idiot woke up... You know what... Maybe he'd just wait until Luffy got back... He didn't need to give the shitty swordsman a reason to make fun of him...

Krieg watched the chef rise from his bow and growled at the insulting gesture, "So you're with the brat in the straw hat... Just like the injured kid.".

"Don't lump me in with that shitty piece of moss.", Sanji scowled. He quickly wiped the expression from his face and replaced it with something more neutral. Mosshead could wait. He had more important things to take care of at the moment. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm gonna nicely ask the two of you to leave.", he started, eyes thinning into a glare, "And if you refuse... I'm gonna beat the shit out of you.".

Krieg's expression turned more violent at the words if anything, his hand tenderly holding his bruised face.

The chef could tell his words angered the pirate captain but he shrugged uncaringly. Instead of trying to reason with Don Krieg, Sanji sent the man's first mate a pleading look, "Sure you don't just want to leave?". He felt like he probably had more of a chance of getting through to Gin rather than the man's captain. He looked like the more reasonable of the two... That being said, Gin didn't look all that happy either... "I take that as a no?...", he awkwardly asked.

Silence reigned for a long moment before the blond sighed, the tip of his right boot beginning to tap on the wood. His hand reached into his coat pocket and he pulled out a cigarette, placing the white stick in his mouth before lighting it. He took in a deep breath and blew the smoke from his lungs, leaving himself with a pleasant buzz. Nothing like a nice cigarette before a fight.

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