The Fire

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     I was attempting to have breakfast. There was no point in avoiding the food just because never in my life did I have access to so much of it. Haymitch definitely seemed a lot more... chipper, this morning. He was giving Peeta and I basic survival tips, don't make a fire and chose your friends carefully. Peeta was really listening, if he had pen and paper he would probably be taking notes.  I knew most of this stuff already. Even though I was born in district 12 I was truly raised outside of it, with nature and in the wild.
Mid conversation Peeta got up and walked to the window. "There it is!" Exclaimed Effie. I got up to and joined Peeta. The capitol. That's what Effie meant by it. It was nothing like 12, there were huge buildings and every person was an explosion of colors and shapes. It was quite beautiful.
The closer we got to our stop, people were gathered by the train tracks smiling and waving. It took me a second but I realized that they were smiling and waving at us. I couldn't help but smile and wave back. I had always been good with crowds, it came with being a Covey. Peeta joined me and together we waved at all types of people all the way to the stop.


I had hoped that Peeta and I would be able to talk before getting started but as soon as the train stopped we were both dragged our separate ways to get ready for the tribute's parade. Apparently all of us had been assigned our own stylists who would make sure we looked pretty enough for the capitol.
I was spared no mercy, they scrubbed my skin raw at least three times after they were done cutting and styling my hair. I had never bothered with it, it was big and difficult so I usually just put it up. "Do you think she needs to be rinsed one more time? I'm afraid this isn't good enough for Cinna." Said one of the stylists. He had bright hair and eyebrows so thin they were hardly visible. "Honestly I don't think she can be good enough for Cinna but it will have to do." It felt so odd. Being talked about like I wasn't laying right here. They signaled for me to get up and I did.
They handed me a black suit, nothing special. I figured it was supposed to represent coal since that was my district's whole thing. I guess we had revolutionized from coal miners to being the coal. I sighed and put it on. It was tight but not uncomfortable. Once I was done I headed out to where all the chariots were and there was Peeta talking with Haymitch wearing the same thing as me.
     "Woah Peeta, you're so clean I almost didn't recognize you!" I said laughing. "I could say the same thing." He looked at me and smiled. Before I could say anything else a man that looked way too normal for the capitol approached us. "Peeta, Mila, my name is Cinna. I will be your head stylist for the duration of the games." At closer inspection I saw that he had a slight but bright gold eyeliner. It was simple but eye catching.
     "I know everyone usually does the same for district twelve but I wanted to take a different approach this year. There will be fire but it won't be warm and it will be totally safe. Controlled by me. Just don't freak out and it will be okay, trust me. Plus I was inspired by something special." He winked at me. I hadn't noticed before but Cinna had been carrying a bag with him and in it was the dress. My dress.
     Peeta climbed on our chariot and Haymitch helped me join him. My teeth were chattering a little but I wasn't cold. It was a habit I had when I got anxious. Everything started feeling real, too real. I could hear my heartbeat inside my head pounding from ear to ear as if taunting me. All too soon the chariot began moving and a splash of color came alive all around me. It was bright and it took me a second to adjust my eyes but looking around I realized that the color was coming from Peeta. He was on fire.
     Is this what Cinna was talking about? This fire wasn't just a regular fire, it was so colorful and bright. Just like my dress. Peeta and I locked eyes and my breath hitched. He looked beautiful. He let out what seemed to be a combination of a gasp and a laugh and I realized the fire was surrounding me too. As soon as our chariot went out to the open we were met by so many cheers and gasps. Peeta grabbed my hand and my heart skipped a beat.
     "Trust me, they'll love it!" He yelled over the noise. I smiled and brought both of our hands up in the air. The cheers roared louder than before and I imagined that I was back in 12 singing at the hub with my band. A twinge of hope tugged at my heart. A tiny voice spoke up in the midst of the loud that said maybe you can make it home.

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