The Scores

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We were all sitting on the couch waiting for the tv to turn on. They were going to release everyone's scores from the showcases. I was really scared. I mean, there was nothing utterly special about me. I could sort a couple of plants but compared to some of the people here, that meant nothing.

Haymitch had explained to Peeta and I how important getting a score above a seven was since not only could it help get us sponsors but a low score was basically a target on your back. Who wouldn't go after the weakest link? The same could be said about a high score since people would want to take out the threats, but that wasn't something I was particularly worried about.

Peeta and I had not spoken since before he went in to do his showcase. He had not left my mind once though. It was so odd sitting here directly next to him. There were so many things I wanted to say and even more things I wanted to do, but there was truly no point. Tomorrow we would both be going into that arena and there, all of our feelings would stop mattering.

The Panem anthem rung loud and clear across the speakers. It was time for the scores to be announced. Caesar and his co-host began the broadcast by introducing themselves as if anyone in all of Panem didn't know who they were. They were as bubbly and energetic as always. I was almost convinced that I wouldn't be guided to my death by those two in a mere couple of hours.

They cut to the chase and didn't waste any time with the scores. It's what everyone wanted to hear after all. They began by announcing the scores of the two district one tributes, Marvel and Glimmer. I rolled my eyes, such pretentious names. They both got beautiful nines. Of course they did. 10s for the two kids in district two. So far not too out of the ordinary.

I was beginning to get bored until I saw Remy's face flash on screen. He was grinning in his picture, a rather mischievous grin, but still he seemed content. Then, his score flashed on screen. 10. I gasped without meaning to and a couple of people in the room gave me weird looks, including Peeta. Weirdly enough, 10 was a fitting score for him. I pictured him punching the air and laughing. A smile creeped onto my face until I heard something that pulled at my heart and vanished the smile from my face as quickly as it arrived.

"What an impressive score! Ten seems to be a lucky number tonight huh?" Laughed Caesar's co-host.

"It does seem like that indeed!" Replied Caesar, "And as you said this is such an impressive score. A twelve year old scoring that high should definitely be praised. Congratulations to Remy in district 3!"

The room went quiet for a few seconds. Then there were gasps and a couple of whispers. I had obviously noticed how young Remy looked, but I never expected him to be twelve years old. Katniss' sister, Prim, was also twelve years old and I had watched that girl grow up in front of my eyes. She was practically a baby to me. I felt my eyes pool with tears. This is so unfair. By this point I was crying. Tears were streaming down my face, but everyone was too consumed by their own shock to notice. Or at least that's what I thought.

I felt a warm hand close around mine with a squeeze. Peeta was still looking straight ahead at the tv with his mouth in an angry line. His hand felt rough, probably from all the work he had to do back in twelve. However, it was still comforting. He kept my hand in his until I calmed down.

After what felt like forever, they finally got to district twelve. I felt Peeta straighten up on his seat and I squeezed his hand. He squeezed mine back and looked at me for the first time since yesterday. I gave him a weak smile and he returned it. I motioned for him to take a deep breath and he did.

Peeta's face flashed on the screen, dashing as ever, followed by the number 8. Peeta jumped out of his seat and yelled YES. Everybody cheered and patted him on the back. Everyone eventually calmed down and I felt a chill go down my spine. I took a shaky breath and fixed my eyes on the screen. My face flashed by and I couldn't help but cringe a little. I didn't look like myself. I mean I did but it was a weird fake polished version of myself. Finally a number flashed.


I breathed a sigh of relief along with everyone else in the room. Then the room erupted into cheers. Effie ran over to hug me and then hugged Peeta.

"My darling tributes, I am so unbelievably proud of both of you" She said in her weird accent. She sounded like she was about to cry. Aside from the silliness of the pink abomination that was Effie, I couldn't help but smile. More people came up to congratulate me and Peeta. I had never said so many "thank yous" in my whole life.

Randomly I felt a hand pull me aside, and into a closet. Before I could scream I felt a hand over my mouth. The light clicked on and I saw Peeta.

"Hi." He said and smiled slowly pulling his hand away from my mouth. "Sorry about the kidnapping, I wanted to congratulate you but everybody was surrounding you." He laughed such a sweet laugh that it pulled a smile out of me.

"I suppose we're not all that bad huh?" I laughed.

"Yeah I guess so." He laughed too. We stayed in silence for a couple of seconds. I wasn't sure what to say. There was so much to say, but this was not the right time to say anything so instead I took a step closer to him and put a hand up to his face. I wasn't sure what I was doing or why really but it just felt right. I could still hear laughs and conversations coming from outside the closet. Peeta didn't say anything but I felt his face warm up under my hand. He took a step towards me. I could feel his breath on me. I really wanted to kiss him.

"Congratulations on your score Peeta." I gave him a small smile, and walked out of the closet.

That was the last time I would see Peeta outside of the arena.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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