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"He drives me crazy, it's so beyond me"


"I think i did something wrong to Avery" I said.

"What, why?" I was talking to Asher and decided to talk to him.

"A few moments ago, she hurt herself and i tried to help but she refused and by her reaction i think i did something wrong" I explained.

"Wait she hurt herself?" Asher asked and i explained to him the situation.

"I see, but she's not the kind of person who would do that. She will talk to the person if they did something wrong. I know her" Asher explained.

"Well let's see then, i care for her though Asher. I mean as a friend. We've gotten closer these days but she started to be distant from me" I remarked

"I'm sure you did nothing wrong" He said while patting my shoulders and he left.

I tried to think of things i did that may hurt her feelings. Maybe it was the whole fake news thing? But she was okay after that. Then it hits me, she probably thought it would be better for us if we distance ourselves after the scandal. I should probably talk to her.

"Hey Charles" Lando interrupted my thoughts "Hey Lando" I said still kind off thinking. I think Lando noticed that i was kinda off. We were quiet for a while then when i stopped thinking he continued. "So what was that?"

"I don't know Land, it's Avery"

"Avery? What's up with Avery"

"I don't know mate, i think she's avoiding me" I said. "Why do you think that, why in the world would you avoid your favorite driver now friend?" He said. Well it is weird but it's kinda obvious she is. "That's true, but it seems like it" I told Lando. "No one knows Charles, maybe she is. But you wouldn't know the answer unless you ask her?" Lando told me. He's right.

"You're right Lando, thanks for that mate. I'll try to find her"

I found Asher and asked him about Avery. "Hey mate, have you seen your sister?" I asked immediately. "I'm sorry she left already, i tried to ask her about you but she left leaving me with nothing to say."

What is going on?



I felt so bad for Charles, i didn't mean to lash out on him like that. I was too focused on being away from him. After cleaning myself up i went to Asher.

"Hey, i don't feel too well i'm going back" I left immediately.

"Wait what-, okay have a safe trip back. What happened with you and Charles?" Asher replied then asked.

I stayed quiet. The part where i have this weird feelings with him doesn't need to go out of mouth. I left the place and went back to the hotel with a cab.

The hotel door opened with a creaking sound. It was so loud as the room was so silence. My sigh was heard in the hallway. Everything felt quiet. The room. The hallway. My heart felt quiet. It felt like time stopped ticking. My thoughts are all going through my head at the same time. A ring was heard from my phone.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Avery, you don't need to talk to me if you don't want to but i just wanna say i'm so sorry if i did something wrong that may have hurt your feelings. If you don't want to talk to me that's fine. Just so you know i do care for you, i've had fun hanging out with you. Our moments were so memorable, excluding the rumor about us. So, you don't need to reply to me. End it if you don't. Thank you for listening Ve, see you soon" A tear fell as soon as i ended the call. He called me just for that. It felt harder to let go of him. I don't know what made me fell so hard for him. But it's better to let go.

I got up from my seat and went to a table. I decided to write a song. I'm gonna pour all my thoughts into this song. "His laugh you'd die for, his laugh you'd die for. The kind that colors the sky", his laugh is so pretty. "His voice you'd melt for, he says my name like", when he called me Ve.  "Oh, why can't we for once. Say what we want, say what we feel?", i just want him to tell me that i'm only a friend to him and i'm like a little sister to him. "His kiss you'd kill for, just one and you're done for. Electricity surgin' in the air. He drives me crazy, it's so beyond me. How he'd look me dead in the eye and stay unaware", i need him to realize that he drives me crazy and i'm not mad at him. "In the end, we only regret. The chances we didn't take", i will probably regret but he doesn't deserve me, a literal child from his eyes. "Take a chance with me"


I woke up after writing a song last night. I went out for a walk and called Lando to meet. We will be meeting in a cafe shop. "Hey Deanne" He called out to me when he opened the door.

"Hey Norris" It's our friendship love language to call each other by our last name.

"What's up mate" He asked. "I basically fell in love with Charles Leclerc and now i'm avoiding him because of that", like hell i'd say that. "Just having a lot in my mind" My back up answer came out instead.

"It's okay, Charles told me about yesterday" He commented.

"What did he say?"

"The part where you're avoiding him" He stated. I only sighed then continues to talk. "Last night he called me and told me so many things saying he's sorry and he gave me a choice to talk to him or end the call and.." I stopped. "And what did you do?" Lando asked. "I ended the call and i shed a tear" I said while smiling. He hugged me and patted my back. "I don't know what happened but if you're ready you can talk to me" He said after letting go.

"Thank you Norris, i think i made up my mind. I'll go back home tomorrow. See you in a grand prix if i go back" I stated. "If?" He asked. I nodded and say my goodbyes. "Bye Norris, let's keep in touch" I said. "Bye Deanne, see you again soon"


Thank you for 200+ reads i really appreciate it!! I will try to upload every 2/3 days like i'm doing now. But i can't guarantee it! So we'll see. Hope you like my story so far, timeskip will come soon so be ready for that :)

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