Luke Castellan x Chrysanthis Green - Dandelions

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So I haphazardly made an oc for story purposes and she is the daughter of Demeter so keep that in mind. I would also like to recognize that I'm not fully educated in this fandom but I am trying my best to be accurate to the lore. Please do correct or suggest any changes that can be made <3

wc: 1335

"Hey Chrys, can you pass me the dirty plates over there?" Luke and Chrysanthis had almost completed washing the dirty plates from lunch that day,

"Cleanup duty is the worst, I swear if I have to step in one more pile of messy food I'm going to lose it." Chrysanthis dumped the plates into the barrel and took a huge sigh of relief.

"Well demigods aren't exactly known for their etiquette." Luke chuckled, "Although the entire point of doing this cleanup is so we have more awareness of the whole, actions have consequences thing."

"Yeah well it's clearly not working. I mean who just leaves waste and garbage on the floor? In what world would they think that was okay?" Chrysanthis was fuming. Luke was studying her keenly,

"You're so cute when you're angry, you know that? The grass blades beneath your feet shrivel up completely." He had that smug grin on his face, the one he had been wearing far more often these past few weeks with Chrysanthis.

"Don't mock me." She said with sincerity.

"I would never. Come on, I wanna show you something." Chrysanthis didn't like the look on his face. Not because she disliked it, but because she didn't understand it.

"You know I loathe surprises." She said cautiously.

"Oh I know I know, just follow me."

He took her away from the mess hall, and out into the forest. After they were relatively deep in the forest Chrysanthis started to complain,

"Okay look," Luke turned around with that same incomprehensible look on his face, "I don't know what you're trying to show me right now but it looks like there nothing he-" she was cut off by Luke cupping her face in his hands and placing a soft kiss on her lips. After his lips left hers she stared at him, utterly bewildered as to how they had gotten there. All she knew was that her lips were begging for more, so she placed her hands on his shoulders, closed her eyes, and returned the kiss with more force, more need. Luke stumbled back out of shock but was quickly there to receive her soft lips once more. As the kissing started to intensify Luke let out a short groan, communicating his pleasure. Chrysanthis startled by the noise stepped back and straightened her arms, creating some distance between them,

"Luke I don't know if we should be doing this..." she let out an exasperated breath, frustrated with herself. Luke took her arms off his shoulders and held them as he moved forward, she promptly moved back until her back ran into a tree. Luke leaned on it and whispered into her ear,

"If you want me to go away and leave you alone just say so. We'll pretend this never happened, and I swear you'll never have to be bothered by me again. But Chrys, look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want me to do things to you." She couldn't bring herself to do it and she knew it. So she just stared. She stared into his eyes, unable to escape the control they had over her.

After what seemed like forever she felt a hand at the small of her back, even that smallest touch made her wither, and the softest moan escaped her lips. Luke took that as his answer, and he immediately went to work. He started at her neck, planting as many kisses as he could, trying to lay claim to all of her body. Chrysanthis couldn't put together sentences, much less words, all she could let out were moans of her satisfaction. Eventually, Luke kissed her lips once more, and he could hear her moans as they entered his mouth, driving him mad with want. The kiss deepened and Chrys gave him the smallest bit of her tongue to test the waters, Luke, eager to proceed, pushed his tongue down her throat, wanting to feel every inch of her body. Chrysanthis took hold of his face and slowly pulled them down to the ground. Luke placed himself on his knees so he could be right over her torso, savoring the kiss.

As they continued Chrys wrapped both her legs around one of Luke's knees, and began grinding against him, wanting to feel a rhythm and some friction in between her thighs. Desperate to please her he moved his leg to the rhythm, and looked at her for assurance.

"Luke, take my pants off."
"Are you sure?" His once smug eyes now looked incredibly submissive, willing to do anything for this moment to last longer.

"I'm sure. Take it all off." Luke didn't need another word. He unbuttoned her jeans, and as he slipped them off her legs, he left kisses in between her thighs, wanting to touch and explore more of her. When he finally got them off of her he began on her underwear, delicately throwing them off to the side. He continued to leave kisses around her thighs, but slowly he came closer and closer to her clit, and the kisses became more sloppy, more rushed. The second he touched her clit with his tongue she moaned his name, Luke looked up,

"What is it? Did it hurt?"

"No." She half chuckled, so encapsulated in her ecstasy, "Keep going, please."

"As you wish my goddess divine." He began to make circles with his tongue, slowly getting faster and making tighter circles, her moans getting louder and more intense, whenever she said his name, Luke felt as if he had gone to heaven.

All of a sudden Luke stopped. Chrysanthis whined in protest, not wanting to lose her momentum. Luke cupped his hand over her mouth, his head up and attentive. He quickly stared intently into her eyes, "Not a sound." Right as Chrys took a breath to speak Luke silenced it with a kiss that melted her. After about five minutes of back and forth Luke pulled away, "Okay, they're gone." Chrys didn't care if Zeus himself had found them, she just wanted to keep going. She took Luke's right hand and put it on her thigh, giving him a deep look she hoped he would understand. Luke took two of his fingers from his left, and entered her, much to Chrysanthis' delight. He slowly began to thrust his fingers inside of her, starting out soft and slow to test the grounds. But as he grew more comfortable with this new area of her body, the more confident he grew in his speed. Chrysanthis' erotic sighs of pleasure were enough to make him climax, but what he really wanted was her pleasure and satisfaction. As he continued pounding his fingers inside her vagina, he noticed that the ground she touched was slowly growing dandelions, he knew she was close.

Luke began to whimper and groan the same way Chrysanthis had been doing for him, crying out her name in ecstasy. He bent down and began sucking her neck, leaving a mark between every whimper he performed. "Oh god Luke, I think I'm coming." Chrys was almost at her peak, Luke just had to make sure she got there. Luke thrusted his fingers into her at lightning speed and soon he heard a cry of completion. She collapsed against the tree and panted with the widest smile on her face, looking at Luke with newfound adoration. Luke lay next to her and put his head on her shoulder, encasing his arms around her, "You are the most amazing demi-god I've ever met Chrysanthis." Luke looked deeply into her forest green eyes, such a beautiful color,

"I love you Luke." The words came as easily to her as a breath of fresh air. Luke put his hand on her neck and passionately kissed her beautiful, soft lips,

"I love you too." The ground beneath them flourished with fertility, and as they went in to kiss once more, a dandelion sighed with contentment as a gentle breeze carried away its fluffy seeds.

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