Phoenix Feathers (Luke Castellan x Iris!reader) pt. 1

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a/n: I made a separate story for this series so please do check that out if this interests you! 

wc: 2577

It's been 4 days, 6 hours, and 27 minutes since Luke Castellan had betrayed you. Despite his insistence, you refused to go with him. How could you follow the words of someone who's been lying to you through their teeth since the moment you met. It was all a lie. Everything felt like a lie now.

You should have seen it coming. That was where you failed. If you had just been able to sense that something had been going on, that he had been going through all of that, maybe you could have saved him. It was no use thinking about it now. As you stared up at the wood vaulted ceiling above, you couldn't help but feel an endless pit in your stomach. Like you were falling into Tarturus but kept getting looped back to the top, forced to watch as everything you had loved and known vanished before your very eyes. It was late. Like really late. Where was he right now? Was he thinking about you? 4 days 6 hours and 27 minutes ago you would have glady fallen into Tarturus for Luke, but when Luke told you of his plans, of their plans, it felt like he had just pushed you in. With little care if you ever got out.

You had met Luke three years ago. As the head counsler of the Hermes cabin he took you in before you were claimed by your mother, Iris. He was friendly but obviously you weren't all that special there; unclaimed kids came as often as rainfall around here. You had no inclination to fight in capture the flag, and after a month of sloppily walking around, trying to familiarize yourself with a sword and shield, you had an idea. Instead of aimlessly swinging your weapon, you wanted to disguise your team in paint, with colors almost identical to that of the moss ridden forest floor. When you first inquired about your master plan, Luke was skeptical,

"You want to what?"

"I wanted to paint some of our men the same color as the ground. Then they can jump out and catch our opponents off guard." You spoke with such confidence in your plan, Luke couldn't help but smirk at it.

"Okay. Sure, why not? We'll give it a try." You thanked him profusely, this would be it. Your parent would finally notice you, and you would actually belong somewhere. Sure you had your theories on who you could belong to: Apollo, Athena, Aphrodite (sure that one was pushing it but who knew).

"Hey." Luke put his hand on your shoulder, sending a wave of electricity through you, "Don't expect your parent to claim you because of this. It's a great plan but, the gods don't normally show up how you want them to." You nodded your head, too caught up in the excitement of it all to let his words get to you.

The tactic was a huge success. Not even Athena's kids saw it coming, walking right into the unsuspecting clearing of forest. When it was announced your team had won, you looked up, foolishly hoping to see some sign, anything to show you belonged here. And nothing. While everyone celebrated the victory, you sluggishly walked over to the lake. You sat down with your two knees in front of you, making little circles in the water with your fingertip.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Can you just shut up, please" You quipped, immediately regretting your rashness at him, "Sorry. You were right, I knew it when I made that stupid plan. I just thought, I just thought maybe they would notice me." Luke took a large inhale before sitting next to you,

"Okay first of all that plan wasn't stupid it was brilliant." He craned his neck to meet your eyeline, "You lead our entire team to victory. Second of all, screw the gods." You looked up at him, shocked at the anger he held in his voice. His eyes now set on the horizon, darkened with memories of past. You put your hand on his, staring off in the distance together. You could only imagine all he had lost. Luke finally snapped out of it and looked over at you, "Hey, some counslers are having a get together tonight in celebration of our victory," Luke paused, not sure how to phrase his request, "Would you... would you wanna go with me?" He pressed his upper and lower lips together, awaiting your answer,

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