Chapter - 02

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In Cloud Recesses

Cloud Recesses was the residence of Prime Minister Lan Yuning. In the healing pavilion of the residence, loud scheming was hard as Princess Lan Shishi went in labor.

Yuning and all his family members were waiting anxiously outside the healing pavilion as the pregnancy was complected.

After a while, a loud cry was heard and everyone sighed in relief. Physician Zhang came out of the pavilion and stood in front of Yuning.

"Congratulations Prime Minister Lan, Princess Lan gives birth to a beautiful ger boy." Physician Zhang said and Yuning smiled.

"How is Shishi and the baby." Yuning asked.

"Princess is fine but the baby is weak. Hope for the best." Physician Zhang said and Yuning's smile faded.

Yuning entered inside a room and found that Shishi was sitting on the bed with the baby wrapped around a blanket.

"How are you?" Yuning asked as he sat beside Shishi.

"I am fine." Shishi said with a smile and gave the baby to Yuning.

"Physician Zhang said that he is very weak." Yuning said while staring down at the baby who was breathing slowly.

"Don't worry, he will survive after all he is the great Hanguang Jun and the great Prime Minister's son." Shishi said with a smile and Yuning returned the smile.

"He is very cute." Yuning said and kissed the baby's forehead.

"If he survive the winter than the chances of his survival would increase." Shishi said and leaned her head on her husband's shoulder.

"He will survive. He have to survive." Yuning said with determination.


Four years later

A big quarrel had been going on between Yuning and Shishi which was usual as from last year they were quarreling because of their youngest child.

"Shishi, Yibo is sick. He has high fever from the morning but you didn't even went to see him." Yuning said.

"When he isn't sick. He is so weak and sick all the time. I am very busy now. I don't have any time for him. Besides, his nany is taking care of him right." Shishi said irritatedly and Yuning became angry.

"Yes, Yibo's nany is taking care of Yibo. But he needs you. He needs his mother's warmth. A nany can't give him that." Yuning said.

"My country needs me more than my son." Shishi said coldly.

"Wei Shishi!" Yuning shouted.

"Don't shout Lan Yuning." Shishi said while glaring at Yuning.

"You know very well that a war is ongoing. As Hanguang Jun, I need many duties. I don't have time for him." Shishi said.

"I know but Yibo needs you. As a mother, you also have some duties. Now, Bobo needs his mother with him." Yuning said and Shishi became irritated.

"Then give him a mother." Shishi said irritatedly and Yuning became confused.

"What do you mean?" Yuning asked while frowning.

"Take in a concubine and make her Yibo's mother." Shishi said and immediately regretted it. But what had done was done. It couldn't be undone.

"Lan Shishi, are you out of your mind?" Yuning asked angrily.

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