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She intentionally skipped her sister-Riddhima's missed calls when she saw them, as she knew her father wanted to ask about her wellbeing but wouldn't do it directly. Her eyes then slowly scanned the lady who blocked her way out of the room, who earlier dropped the glass of water and left, and after her eyes trained directly at hers, she asked,

"What is this?"

"I heard you tell my Aunt that you condemn cheating. If it is really so, why did you marry Abhimanyu? Why did you accept to wear his wedding chain despite knowing he was to be married to me? Why did you cheat?"

The woman kept talking like he was an important figure in India who has a fat bank account. Instead of listening to her, she kept staring, wondering how someone as beautiful as her could ever let love take away her sense to the extent that it would make her fight over a man who doesn't even want her.

She took out the wedding chain around her neck as it skipped her mind to take it out since, putting it in her palm. The chain never meant anything because she never considered herself married.

"There! I never asked him for marriage. Go and make him put it on you, but please keep me out of it. I don't care." She walked past her to leave for her parents' house, only to be blocked again at the stairs by someone who looked like his sister.

"Where are you going?"

She peeked at her empty hands, which weren't with the items she asked for. "Do I owe you an explanation now?"

"I didn't like how you spoke to my parents. Especially my mother. I have a lot of respect for you as my brother's wife, but..."

"But what? Don't respect me then." She shrugged off, gazing at her again. "I said what I said. I don't care. You should also not be bothered about it." She touched her cheek briefly, sending her a warm smile because she was fascinated by her beauty, before she walked away.

"Why are you like this? So bitter?" His sister followed her all the way out. On the other hand, she didn't want to respond or start a conversation with her, as she wasn't interested in knowing any of his family.

"Answer me. Is it that you hate my brother? If that's the case, why did you both marry?"

She smiled because, truly, she hated him very much, but if she were to describe it, words alone wouldn't be sufficient for the illustration.

"Your smile says you do. So why in the world did you both marry?"

The girl's voice was gentle, soft, and pleasant, despite her anger because from her perception, she was ruining her brother's life.

She remained quiet because she was not obligated to give her a response, as she doesn't interact with people below her. The range rover Abhimanyu went out with pulled over with him inside.

"Brother? How come you're here?" His sister, who had leaned her half body into the car through the decreased window, inquired.

"Mother called me. She told me the list of items my wife requested, so I went personally and bought them." His eyes furthered to her, who remained unbothered and, rather, had a wide smirk on her face, eagerly awaiting his sister to leave so that she would break the news that she would not live with him for another second as her mother's lawyer would save her from execution.

"Okay. I will go back in." She went in while Poonam opened the door to the car, but was met with so many shopping bags at where she would sit.

"All these aren't necessary anymore." She threw them backwards and sat down, finally looking at him. He was already staring. She was full of life compared to how she arrived.

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