Unite 🍋

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NSFW! You have been warned!

Enjoy ;)


That day Levi spent all of the evening by your side. He observed you paint in his tent, his eyes locked onto your figure for hours - he couldn't get enough of just observing you. Even though he couldn't help by drift off and think about Annie and Reiner. He felt helpless - if he had improved his mobility faster by that time, he would've been on his horse, on his way to haunt them.

But time was a terrible thing, he thought. He despised having to wait, having never learned patience or tolerance. But still, being around you grounded him deeply, calmness would just persevere - even if worry continued to stay on his mind. Even if the image of yourself being gone was still in the back of his mind.

He had prepared himself some tea, and while he observed the way your hair fell onto your shoulders, and the delicate posture of your hand holding your paintbrush...he thought to himself: would things ever be normal in his life? Would he ever find himself owning a tea shop, just like he always wanted? Chaos seemed to be the one thing that persisted in his life, fully corrupting every bit of happiness he had ever experienced.

He wondered if he would ever end up...happy.

While he sipped on the warm cinnamon tea, you paused your painting process to look at him. A serene look in your eye, he thought - but there was a hint of sadness that Levi couldn't help but notice. He knew that look all too well... losing people never gets easier, he understood that. He then wished he could take that feeling away from you and destroy it somehow - it angered him, knowing that there was nothing he could do or say to make you stop grieving Jelena.

A gentle smirk formed on your lips - genuine, soft and expectant. Something about your demeanor made Levi feel even more magnetized to you. He didn't wish to be parted from you ever again, but so much fear ignited from within him - he couldn't tolerate the anxiety of not being around you, but still found himself longing for you, even in your presence. It was undecipherable, intrinsicate and just purely maddening to him.

He fixed his gaze onto yours - a cold and still expression on his face. As if he still, after everything that had happened between you two, was trying to hold back a bit.

He asked himself if you'd notice what he was feeling - he had never felt this vulnerable and transparent with anyone before. Not even with his closest comrades who knew him deeply. This last thought sent him down a lane of memories he thought he had long forgotten: he remembered Hange's smile and her strange demeanor, that odd excitement she felt around every single titan she'd encountered.

He also recalled how that light began to slowly dim around the last years of her life.

Levi found himself thinking about Erwin - his unstoppable quest for the discovery of truth, his inability to stop himself from moving forward. That tenacity he shared with his former commander.

Levi felt his eyes sting - why was he thinking about them now? What was it about you exactly that brought those memories back to life? Deep down though, he knew the answer... He just wasn't ready to admit it to himself yet. Before he could continue his train of thought, he saw you stand up and approach him slowly. He took the time to inspect your figure again, this time paying attention to every detail on your body: the way your collarbone framed your neck - the delicate moles decorating your soft looking skin. He then looked at your arms and the way they danced around your figure as you walked closer to him - the dress you were wearing, tight around your middle section, enhancing your chest and waist. It was long and would hide your legs. He deeply desired to see you take all of your clothes off, just for him to observe.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now