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Levi slowly pulled away from you - his relaxed and satisfied gaze quickly turning into a worried one. He soon realized what he had done as he pulled out of you gently, his eyes refusing to meet yours.

'Fuck...I'm sorry...' - he sighed. He felt embarrassed and ashamed of himself for giving you no warning, he had completely lost himself in the moment.

'Hey,'s okay' - you grabbed him by his shoulders as you tried to look into his gaze, but he continued to look at the ground.

'What if...fuck, I'm sorry...' - he sighed as he found himself lost for words. You then grabbed him by the back of his neck, your other hand softly placed itself onto his chin as you pulled his face up, so as to meet his gaze again. He then reluctantly met your eyes, his lips softly parte as he remained in silence.

'If it happens. I know it's not...the best timing. Shit's about to fucking explode, so it seems. But if it happens...there's no one else in this world I'd rather do this with...' - the sound of your voice was incredibly sweet, filled with empathy and love. That's when Levi realized that you were not concerned or scared at all, and that he had been deeply worrying you wouldn't want to have a child. He then began to think about himself as a father, and how much he truly desired it deep down. He knew there was nobody in the world he would rather do it with than you, as well.

'I like that. I...would really like that, actually' - he said softly, his hand now cupping your cheek as he planted a soft kiss onto your lips. 'I'm sorry I wasn't able to control myself, though' - he sighed as you chuckled. It truly relieved him to know that you were not pissed at him or worried.

After you two took a bath together, Levi then found himself in bed with you: you were wearing one of his t-shirts and just your underwear. He loved the sight of you and the way you wore his clothes, he longed for the smell of your hair and soft skin against his. Everything about sleeping with you completely relaxed him. Although, there was still a hint of worry in the back of his mind. The possibility of you being pregnant with his child made him overthink and spiral into dark thoughts and worries: his fear of losing you increased to the point he could feel his own heart sink as he held you. Somehow, you noticed...

'Levi, are you okay?' - you whispered as you held him by his waist, your body facing his as you looked up to him. He then ran his fingers through your hair and shoulders. Your body was warm and that seemed to somewhat calm him a bit. You then placed your hand onto his chest and realized his heart was beating really fast.

'I'm fine' - he sighed in his monotone, low voice. He didn't dare to tell you the truth since he didn't want to risk upsetting you as well, but fear quickly began to take over him completely.

'I don't believe that' - you said as you ran your fingers through the back of his neck, slowly caressing his undercut and strokes of his dark hair. He felt himself swallow as he tried to put his thoughts into words.

'I'm...scared. I can't fucking lose you, (Y/n)' - he sighed, now looking into your eyes through the darkness. He could notice every single one of your face's details: the way your lips curled down as you heard his voice shake, your eyelashes and the sweet way they decorated your gaze... There was so much love in your eyes, so Levi couldn't help himself from feeling...lucky. Even if the context seemed helpless. Even if losing you was a strong possibility.  

'Everything is going to be okay. I promise that' - you whispered as you brushed your lips against his slowly. He felt his skin burn to your touch, he wonder if you knew how much power you had over him.

'You can't promise that' - he sighed as he pressed his lips onto yours desperately, his passionate kiss completely taking over him and his sensations. He felt your breathing against his skin as you released a deep, quiet moan against his lips. As he pulled away, he looked into your eyes once again. 

He felt helpless. Vulnerable. Terrified.

'I will always be with you, Levi. I promise you that' - there was a hint of sadness in your voice. Levi knew exactly what you meant, and couldn't help but feel sorrow as well. That night he held onto you tighter than ever, although he barely got any sleep.

Ymir's Necklace: The Secret You Hold | Book I | Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now