Mother's Intuition

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It takes the better part of the following day before they get me unhooked from all the machines and tubes that have been keeping me alive for the last week. I don't mind the wait, though. All the while, my family and Val are nearby to keep me company through the tests and diagnostics. I hadn't realized how much of an effect my very lucid dream was going to have on me. Despite only being out for a week, I had deeply missed them, feeling their tragic absence in that strange world I had been living in for what felt like an eternity.

As the process nears its end, I'm allowed to change back into some normal clothes, which I eagerly do. I may have been unconscious, but the sensation of nothing but gowns from my time here certainly shows on my body. I wear something long sleeved to hide the shameful sight that mars my arm, then ready myself. My evaluation is only a few minutes away.

My family cleared out to go get food while I'm interviewed, but Valentine has sworn not to leave my side till the doctor arrives. She must be able to tell that I'm nervous.

"Hey..." she nudges, leaning against my shoulder with her arm laced into mine, "Don't look so scared, hun. It's going to be okay."

I purse my lips, "What if they find out I'm insane now or something and I have to be held longer?"

"Pfft. Wes. You're fine. You're clearly all there mentally."

With a smile and narrowed eyes, I take her chin in my hand and say, "I'm not so sure about that one. I somehow forgot I was dating a girl like you. I feel like that alone is a sign I need help."

"That's alright," Val giggles before laying her heavenly lips upon mine. She pulls away with a satisfying release, "I'll just keep reminding you."

It's not long after that when my former therapist arrives. Val wishes me luck with a wink and exits as Dr. Kaphila beams pure zeal my way.

"Hello, Wesly," she coos with a hand to her mouth and watery eyes, "I am so relieved to see you well. When they called me and told me you were awake, I've never been more relieved in my life." Kaphila sits on one side of the bed while I take the other. She reaches over and takes my hand, "How are you feeling, dear?"

"Good." I tell her, "Um, at least I think. My wound doesn't really hurt at all now that they have me unhooked, which is unexpected. I guess I shouldn't complain, though."

Kaphila chuckles, "Yeah, modern medicine has come a long way. And I'm told Dr. Carrow is very good at what he does."

"He must be if I'm sitting here right now." I joke. "I was in bad shape, Doctor..."

Kaphila smiles and nods, "I'm aware. I came to visit you a few times while you were out. There's a reason I got so emotional upon seeing you just now."

I shrink into myself, "I'm sorry to have scared you like that..."

"Wesly, please, you don't need to feel any guilt. What's done is done, and it turned out fine in the end. Let's try not to dwell on it, okay?"

"Um, y-yeah, sure." I try to smile.

"Good. Now...." Arti starts, taking out her notebook, "how are you feeling mentally? Dr. Carrow told me you've been feeling a little disorientated?"

I rub at my arm, "Um, yeah." I tell her, "While I was in my coma, I had this really weird... dream? Hallucination? I'm not exactly sure what to call it, but... it felt incredibly real. I guess it's just been messing with me is all. It feels kind of stupid to say out loud, I guess.

"Well, that's nothing to feel ashamed about, Wesly. There have been plenty of cases if people in comas reporting dreams upon waking up. Many have said the same thing as you. Being in such a prolonged state of unconsciousness can have a very harsh effect on the brain, especially when it isn't receiving any outside stimulus. The only thing for it to work with during that time is whatever is already in there. It's not impossible that it might cause some very lucid dreams."

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