Thirteen-Logan 🏒

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That night, I didn't sleep. How could I?

Lillian had gone to bed early, claiming that her stomach hurt. That wasn't the reason, and we both knew it.

Something had happened during cookie decorating. I shouldn't have brushed away the powdered sugar. I should've just handed her a napkin like a normal person. But that was a lot to ask, for me to be a normal person and not make things complicated.

        After that, Lillian had seemed flustered and out of sorts. For example, she'd put all the cookie and frosting dishes in the dishwasher, but forgot to start it. Which of course had only made her more flustered. Finally she'd used the stomach ache card, trying to escape. I felt bad; I hadn't meant to ruin her night.

        However, the next day, she seemed fine. She helped me shower (again, most awkward and worst day of my life) and worked in her room on something. She didn't avoid me, and she made sure to check on me about fifty times, so I figured things were back to normal.

        Late in the afternoon, the doorbell rang. I cursed under my breath, having totally forgotten about my super secret plan. Nick had texted me this morning, but I'd ignored it due to worrying about the weirdness from cookie decorating.

        Lillian emerged from her bedroom, making me think fast. "Wait!"

         She froze. "What?" she whispered.

         My brain came up blank. "Umm..."

        "Oh, is it a girl?" she whispered. "I'll hide."

        "No!" I yelped, red-faced. "No, not a girl. No,'s Nick, but-well, it's a surprise."

She gave me a weird look. "How is Nick a surprise?"

I buried my hands in my face. "I needed help with your Christmas present, but I'm obviously having trouble giving it to you," I mumbled.

"Oh! Okay. No problem," she said, almost looking relieved. "Want me to get the door?"

         "No, I'll get it," I said, reaching for my crutches. Knowing Nick, he'd probably be dumb enough to be standing out there holding the gift in broad daylight. He might've had good book smarts, but his regular smarts weren't always the sharpest.

         Lillian went back to her room, shutting the door. I made my way to the door, unlocking it so Nick could come in. He shut the door behind him, saying, "Dude. It's cold out."

          "I can't exactly be snappy," I said, lifting both crutches and waving them around my ankles.

          "Right. Here's the goods," he said, handing me the envelope.

         "The other stuff?" I asked anxiously.

         He pulled a flat box and a small box out of his jacket. "All good. You're sure about these?" he asked, still holding the little box.

         "No," I admitted. "But they're the least important part. She might like them."

          "Okay then. You're doing okay?" Nick asked, glancing at my leg.

         "Yeah. Still hurts a bit, but mostly okay," I said. "Still on painkillers."

         "Good. Text me if you need anything else. I've got to get going; we're doing Christmas at Lina's parents' tonight," he said, putting on his gloves.

         "Have fun," I said, waving as he walked down the sidewalk. Closing the door, I set the boxes on the floor and carefully scooching them towards the closet. A perfect hiding place, since Lillian didn't go in there. Besides, I'd be giving it to her tomorrow night.

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