intro. a letter to mom

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intro. a letter to mom

the lighting thief

the lighting thief

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Dear Mom,

I miss you (but you already know that). It's the beginning of another summer, my favorite time of the year. Silena gets here tomorrow morning, I can't wait to see her! Since the school year is over in the mortal world Malcolm (the Athena kid who tutors me) told me that our sessions won't be as frequent as they usually are – thank the gods! I appreciate him so much but his lessons make my head hurt.

Chiron is coming back too! I can't remember if I told you about it in a past letter but in case I didn't here's the gist: Chiron has been gone quite a lot. According to Annabeth (another Athena kid), he is out in the mortal world looking over a demigod. I can't remember Chiron ever doing that in the past so this kid must be important. Oh well!

I've been getting better at going into water. Still paranoid over what lurks in the depths of the water but I'm making progress. My reading and writing have been improving too! Malcolm was getting frustrated over my lack of motivation but he figured that giving me a bunch of stickers as a reward did the trick – I'm a simple girl, what can I say?

Oh! We have a Capture the Flag game this upcoming week! It's the one we always have the first week of summer when all the campers are here. It's going to be epic! The only thing that is not cool is that I have no idea what team I'll be in. The red team is being led by the Ares cabin, Clarisse more specifically. They're badass, but they scare me. The blue team is being led by Athena's kids, and they always have a plan. I'm pretty sure Malcolm has been hinting that he and his siblings want me on their team, but he hasn't said the exact words ("You wanna be on the blue team?") and I don't want to invite myself! Ugh! So complicated.

Anyway, that's all for now Mom! I'll write to you soon! I love you to the moon and Saturn!

Love, Carmen (your favorite daughter)

🐚  this was just a small intro to what kind of person Carmen is, along with mentions of her relationships with people.
🐚 as one can probably infer, based on the letter, Carmen is a year round camper! and she's definitely a summer kind of girl which explains why she's so excited for summer to begin.

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