v. capture the flag (camp half blood edition)

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v. capture the flag (camp half blood edition)

the lighting thief

It was a rare day that Percy had free time

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It was a rare day that Percy had free time. Since arriving at Camp, his free time was practically nonexistent. Chiron and Luke wanted him to try everything in order to see what he was good at (in hopes of determining who his dad is) so his schedule was always packed. That day though, he had time to hang out with Grover. They sat at the pier, mainly because there was never anyone there and because the smell of the water calmed Percy.

Grover had confided in Percy how his conversation with Mr. D had gone. Percy felt bad. He felt like a failure of a friend because Grover had gotten in trouble because of Percy and now the only solution was in the form of a quest, which Grover said that was impossible to get. Percy moved on from the topic of Grover's career because he hated seeing Grover so miserable.

"What's up with the empty cabins?" Percy Asked.

Grover leaned back on his elbows and said, "Cabin eight, the silver one, belongs to Artemis. She's Goddess of the Hunt, the wilderness, the moon and other things. She vowed to be a maiden forever so obviously no kids. The Cabin was built as a tribute to her because it would have been rude to make Cabins for the Olympians and not include her too, you know?"

"Oh, yeah, totally. I would've been mad if I was her."

Grover grinned, appreciating Percy's humor. He continued talking. "The same thing with Cabin two. That belongs to Hera, Goddess of marriage. She's big on loyalty which means she is loyal to her husband, Zeus–"

"Even thought the loyalty is not returned," interrupted Percy. Grover's eyes widened, not believing that Percy said that. Percy seemed unfazed while Grover looked at the sky, as if waiting for Zeus to strike down Percy.

"Please don't test Zeus."

"Was I lying?" Grover's silence answered Percy's question. "Anyways, what were you saying?"

"I was saying that Hera has no mortal children, so the Cabin stays empty. Cabin one is Zeus' cabin – and before you say anything," Said Grover, stopping Percy from saying some smartass comment about how he expeted Zeus' cabin to be fell given the stories about the olden days.

Percy held his hands up, "Fine, I'll shut up."

"You remember World War II?"

"No, I wasn't alive back then."


"Okay, okay, I'm listening."

"Well after World War II, the Big Three, which is what Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades are typically called, they all swore to not have anymore mortal children. This was because their children were basically the ones who started World War II. Big Three kids will always be too powerful so it's beter they are never born."

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