iv. carmen gets humbled

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iv. carmen gets humbled

the lighting thief

Carmen liked to think she was good at being subtle, but deep down knew she sucked at it

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Carmen liked to think she was good at being subtle, but deep down knew she sucked at it. This belief was proven right when she was caught looking at Percy from across the pavilion. It was Annabeth that caught her. The younger girl had noticed how Carmen kept glancing towards the Hermes table, more specifically at Percy.

Carmen and Annabeth made eye contact, in which Carmen realized that Annabeth was finding Carmen's behavior suspicious. Carmen just smiled at Annabeth and tried her hardest not to lay her gaze on the Hermes table for the rest of the night.

During the campfire, Katie noticed how Carmen's ADHD was worse than usual. Normally she was able to stay still for a few minutes if she played with her hands, but that night her knee kept bouncing up and down, she kept biting her lip anxiously, her eyes would not stay longer than a second on anything.

"Carmen, are you alright?" Katie asked her. She was worried something was wrong with Carmen, she seemed more on edge than usual.

Carmen turned her head towards Katie and smiled brightly. "Yeah, I'm great!"

Katie nodded but her brows were furrowed. She has a feeling that Carmen was not telling her something but Katie did not want to pressure her friend into talking. When Carmen was ready she would tell Katie.

That night, Carmen could not sleep. She kept tossing and turning, her mind having too many thoughts. She would cover herself with her sheets but would soon get warm and throw them off her. She would pace around her cabin in an attempt to calm her mind and tire herself out but that did not work. She did not fall asleep until what she assumed was four in the morning.

She had to be up by seven thirty if she wanted to eat breakfast before her activities. When Silena did not see her at the Poseidon table, she went to go look for her. That is how knocking woke Carmen up.

"Carmen, it's me, Silena. Are you in there?" All she got was a groan in response. Silena placed one of her hands on her hips and the other on the doorknob. She twisted it and was surprised to see that the door was unlocked. "I'm coming in."

Carmen was rubbing the sleep off her eyes when Silena entered. "Honestly," said Silena. "You need to lock your door." When Silena laid eyes on Carmen she frowned. "Did you have nightmares?"

Carmen shook her head. "No, it wasn't nightmares. I literally could not sleep."

Silena's gaze turned into a worried one. "Why? If you don't mind me asking."

Carmen was about to tell her why, but she remembered Chiron's warning. So she went with another answer, one that was not completely a lie. "Because there's a chance I might be able to see my mom."

Silena's jaw dropped. She was not present when Katie encouraged Carmen to speak with Chiron so this was news to her. "Carmen, that's great!" She sat on the edge of Carmen's bed. Meanwhile, Carmen stood up and went to her drawers to get clean clothes. "How? I missed so much."

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