Chapter 2 - Bucharest

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"Where is your lap dog?"

"You ready for this?" You ask him after you have taken your suit on and moved to stand beside him.

"Are you?" He raises an eyebrow to you. Which makes you roll your eyes with a smile and you take your helmet on. He chuckles as he takes his own on. "Let's go." He says.


You get to the building and listen to Mr. Wilson and Captain Rogers radio frequency, though they don't know you can hear them. You and Tchalla can speak to each other but they can't hear you.

"Heads up, Cap. German Special Forces, approaching from the south." You hear Wilson voice in the coms.

"Understood." Rogers answers and after a short moment later he speaks again but it doesn't sound like it's to Wilson. "Do you know me?"

You don't hear the answer from whoever he's speaking to, but you guess it might be Barnes.

"They've set the perimeter." Wilson tells Rogers.

"I know you're nervous and you have plenty of reasons to be. But you're lying." Rogers says.

"They're entering the building." Wilson then tells him.

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." Rogers says.

"They're on the roof. I'm compromised." Wilson tells Rogers.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck." Rogers says. Buck must be Mr. Barnes nickname or something you think.

"Five seconds." Wilson starts to count down.

"You pulled me from the river." Rogers says hurriedly. "Why?"

"Three seconds."

"Yes, you do."

"Breach! Breach! Breach!"

You listen as you start to hear a muffled explosion and gunshots as they fight the German Forces. You and Tchalla share a look before deciding to wait a bit before stepping in.

"Buck, stop! You're gonna kill someone." You hear Rogers say and you look at Tchalla with wide eyes, you move to stand but he stops you. Making you wait a little longer until interfering.


Someone jumps out of a window and lands on the neighbouring building.

"Wait a bit before you come out, Rogers might appear." Tchalla tells you and runs off.

You watch as he jumps on the man and pushes him to the ground and rolls off before him, he activates his claws and start fighting. After a few seconds you hear Rogers voice again.

"Sam, southwest rooftop." He says.

"Who the hell's the other guy?" You hear Wilson ask.

"About to find out."

Then you see another figure jumping out of the building and to the rooftop Tchalla and Barnes are fighting. You follow him. An helicopter appears and starts shooting at them, but the Falcon flies and kick it away. Barnes runs off the roof and Tchalla follows close after him. Rogers follows them so you run after him.

"Uh, Steve. There's another one. Hot on your tail. Like literally, she has a tail." Wilson tells Rogers as he sees you running behind him.

Before you, Rogers turn his head to look behind him, seeing you right behind him. He turns his attention back forward just as Barnes jump down into the road below and Tchalla jumping down after him. Rogers jumps down after them and runs off. You land where he had and run after them.

"Stand down!" A police officer shouts from in front of you, blaring his car horns and blue lights flickering.

From a little distance you see Rogers jumping on the car and it stops. He goes to the driver seat and removes the driver, getting in himself. Before Rogers gets close enough to Tchalla you jump on the car. Before you and Rogers, Tchalla is doing the same on another car to get closer to Barnes.

Rogers has seen you in his rear view mirror as you climbed the car and are now swinging to the sides trying to shake you off. Your claws help you hold on.

"Sam, I can't shake his girl." Rogers tells Wilson, you hear in your ear coms.

"Right behind you."

More police cars are following you and catching up. Rogers turns and swing into one of then to try and shake you off, but you hold on. To follow Barnes and the Black Panther, Steve has to drive through some cans or something filled with dirt. He does and you shield your eyes. Even with the helmet you vision gets blurry for a second before you shake your head and the view clears.

Barnes is now on a motorcycle and Tchalla running right behind him to catch him.

(Sorry, I'm awful at explaining actions scenes. Just imagine something cool for me please, with Y/N in it, because i give up for now. I hope to get better at describing over time as i write more.)

The others are about to get surrounded by police.

"White Wolf hide, until we know who we're dealing with." Tchalla whispers to you through his coms and you do. You slip away unseen, before anyone notices.

Then the War Machine lands beside the three.

"Stand down, now." He tells them. "Congratulations Cap. You're a criminal."

They grab Barnes and put him to the ground. Then Falcon comes out with his hands in the air from being pointed a gun at and ushered toward the others.

Tchalla then takes his hands up slowly as Rogers gets cuffed. They look at him as he removes his helmet, revealing his identity.

"Your Highness.. Now, where is your lap dog?" He asks him, referring to you. You roll your eyes.

Tchalla doesn't answer, though he wants to glare he keeps his expression blank. Wilson and Rogers looks around, just now realising you're not among them anymore, they didn't notice you slipping away.

"Now, Prince Tchalla." He demands him. Tchalla just stares at him with the blank look a little longer before addressing you.

"White Wolf." Is all Tchalla says, for you to appear. You come out from your hiding spot, jumping down you land beside Tchalla. Startling the ones surrounding the arrested.

You look at Tchalla as you straighten up after the landing and he gives you a nod. You take off your helmet and your hair lands smoothly around your shoulders and you shake your head slightly for the hair to not fall in your face. It falls behind your back showing the same colour as your artificial tail.

You make eye contact with Rogers and Wilson, as they look at you with raised eyebrows.

Someone comes up to you, takes your helmet and you snarl at them.

"Y/N." Tchalla whispers to make you sigh letting go of it.

Then another move behind, making you uncomfortable as they cuff you. Your artificial tail tucks it's between your legs and you groan.

"She's gonna pay for that." You say and Tchalla chuckles.

The others around look at you confused. You roll your eyes not offering an explanation.

They all keep glancing at your tail though. Which now flows around elegantly behind you, because now you didn't feel that uncomfortable anymore. When the tail revealed your feeling you managed to pull yourself together, but not before unnecessarily embarrassing you.


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