Chapter 3 - First day

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"What would you have Wakanda do about it?"

"Thank you." Tchalla just says as you walk beside him in the crowded street.

"What for?" You ask.

"For your support, and you have honoured my father. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you, Y/N."

"Your father saved my life, I will forever be grateful for what he gifted me, by bringing me here." You tell him. "And I'll always support you, My King." You bow playfully making him look around uncomfortably.

"Stop it." He whispers and you chuckle and stand up straight. He shakes his head and keeps walking.

"Tchalla you're my best friend, I got you, alright." You tell him playfully bumping his shoulder. "Even when you're wrong and stupid, I'll be there, someone's gotta tell you how dumb you're being."

He chuckles and turn to you, he looks at you with an unreadable expression again. What is that? If you would guess it looks like a way someone would look at the person they love.

But he was looking at you. You were just the friend, almost like a sister. You had felt that the way he would treat you like sister disappeared as you grew up but you just shrugged it off as being grown ups.

You knew deep down you had feelings for this man, you loved him. But he was your best friend and now king. You didn't think you could be more than a friend. He deserved someone great by his side.

So even if you did feel that something between you were slightly different, you never let yourself get your hopes up. So, you just kept those feelings buried inside. Never letting them show.

"That's good. I need that." He says, staring into your eyes.

Then he clears his throat and chuckles, continuing to walk. You glance back at the Dora standing behind you on guard duty and find them smirking at you with knowing looks.

Frowning in confusion you turn back to Tchalla and walk beside him.

"So, I've been thinking.." You start and see him stop abruptly and look at you.

"About what?" He seems like he doesn't know if he should be worried or excited for what comes next.

"When we where out there, I couldn't help but notice something.." You start, referring to your time outside of Wakanda a week ago.

You look out on all the people around you. How happy and content they look.

"There's so many people out there who have nothing. It's just.. don't you think there's too many in need, just to turn a blind eye?" You ask him.

He looks at you for a long moment.

"What would you have Wakanda do about it?" He then asks you.

What? You stare at him with wide eyes.

You just wanted to mention it. It wasn't like you could do anything about it. But now that you think about it. You look out into nothing, thinking for a moment before looking at him with a determined look.

"Share what you have. You could provide aid and access to technology and refuge to those who need it." You suggest. "Other countries do it, you could do it better." You state, slapping the back of your hand into your palm.

"We." He corrects, but you look at him confused. "Share what we have. Wakanda is your home, your country too."

You smile up at him. After a few seconds of just staring at your face, entranced by your beauty, he sighs.

"We are not like these other countries, Y/N." He tells you and you sigh. "If the world found out what we truly are, what we possess, we could loose our way of life."

"Wakanda is strong enough to help others and protect ourselves at the same time." You tell him.

He smiles at you with sigh.

"If you were not so stubborn, you would make a great queen." He teases.

"I would make a great queen because I am so stubborn." You tell him and he looks at you with wide eyes and big smile.

And not thinking of his reaction, you realise what you said and your eyes widen in panic.

"I mean! Uh, not that I would be queen.. uh, I didn't.." You stutter out to try and cover for it.

"Why?" He then asks and you whip your head to him in confusion.

"What?" You ask.

"Why wouldn't you be queen?"

"Wha.. Uh.." You look at him dumbfounded. "Well, because.." You just stare at him, at loss for words. What were you supposed to say to that?

He takes a step closer to you.

"Y/N, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about." He tells you.

"What's up?" You ask casually, glad to change the subject.

You move to make him continue walking through the street while you talk, but he stops you. You turn to him you find him looking at you with that unreadable expression.

"What I want to.. no what I need to tell you.. is that.. I.." He says, but his Kimoyo Beads thrill, interrupting him. He closes his eyes with a deep sigh before pullling his hand up to answer.

Wkabi asks him to come so he can show him his rhino. Looking at you, you just give Tchalla a nod and tell him that you have to go.

Though Tchalla looks like he wants to argue you ignore it and leave his side.


Tchalla is with Wkabi as he shows him his rhino.

"Is that him? Glory to Bast, man. Is he still growing?" Tchalla look at the huge rhino in awe.

"Of course." Wkabi says and then turn to his king. "So, Y/N.. you told her yet?" He asks.

Tchalla sighs and shakes his head slightly.

Wkabi just shakes his head in disappointment.

"If you do not do it soon, it might be too late." He tries to encourage him to confess his feelings.

He glances back at Tchalla and sees him looking thoughtful.

"Tchalla, what's wrong?"

"Y/N, thinks we should be doing more." He tells him.

"More, like what?" Wkabi asks him.

"Foreign aid, refugee programs."

"You let the refugees in, they bring their problems with them. And then Wakanda is like everywhere else." Wkabi tells him. "Now if you said you wanted me and my men to go out there and clean up the world, then I'll be all for it."

"But waging war on other countries has never been our way."

Both their Komodo Beads trill.

"You, too, huh?" Tchalla asks.

"Bast! We're in trouble."

They hold up their hands close together and Okoye's hologram appears.

"My king." Okoye address Tchalla then Wkabi. "My love. You will never guess who just popped up on our radar."

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