Chapter 11 - Jabariland

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"No. I save my country."

You meet up with Okoye. Once she sees you she exhales in relief, and envelopes you in a hug.

"The Queen Mother and Shuri, they are safe?" She asks you.

"Yes." You reassure her.

"Thank you." She says in Xhosa, relieved.

"We should get to them immediately." You move to leave, but she doesn't follow. You look at her in confusion.

"I cannot." She tells you in Xhosa and you frown.

"What?" You ask.

"Though my heart is with you."

"We cannot turn over the nation to a man who showed up here only hours ago." You tell her.

"He is of royal blood."

"He killed Tchalla!" You exclaim.

"In ritual combat." She argues.

"Does that really matter?" You all but scream at her, but finishing a whisper, looking around before turning to her again. "You are the greatest warrior Wakanda has. Help me overthrow him before he becomes too strong."

"Overthrow? Y/N! I'm not just a friend who can come and go as they chooses. I am loyal to that throne, no matter who sits upon it. What are you loyal to?" She asks you.

"I loved him." You admit to her. She looks at you a sympathetically, with the look she tells you she already knew.

She knew you loved him, it wasn't obvious you loved him more than a friend but her and Wkabi, your father, Nakia, the Dora and the royal family knew. At first they figured out Tchalla loved you, he wasn't good at hiding it, you were just too oblivious or in denial to see it yourself.

After looking closer it became clear to them that you felt the same, but hid it, every affection was excused by being best friends.

But once seeing the look of love and admiration in your eyes when you saw Tchalla, how your eyes lighted up and your mood lifted, it was clear to them.

They had all just waited for Tchalla to confess his feelings. Seeing you were extremely well at hiding your deeper feelings for the man and if anyone tried to ask or tease it out of you, you were good at shrugging it off and not let it become a serious conversation. So, they realised that if anyone, it had to be Tchalla to make the move.

"And I loved this country, too. My country." You finally say, having never called it yours directly, since you didn't know where you were born.

But this is your home.

Wakanda and it's people is your home.

Tchalla was your home.

And you would do anything to protect it.

"Then you serve your country." She tells you.

"No. I save my country." You tell her with determination and she looks at you, a bit astound as she watches you leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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