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Fynland's POV

I just smiled like an idiot as I listened to Cleo talk.

She was currently filling me in on everything that's gone down between her and Jayson since the last time we spoke

I'm beyond excited for her because I know with Jayson she'll get to experience love the right way

"So how's the sex?" I asked causing her to frown her face up

"It's bad?!" I gasped as she shook her head

"So it's good?" I asked once more while she just bust out laughing

"I wouldn't know, I haven't slept with him" she admitted as she threw her hair into a ponytail

Oh I get it..they're taking the slow route

"You haven't had dick in over 7 months, that's why you're so uptight and cranky"

"Who said I needed a man for sex? My girl Rosie handles big business" she said as she danced in her seat

I bust out laughing

"How's your love life? Anything new?" She asked as she bit into an apple

"Uh...you remember KP?" I asked nervously

"You mean the dude who's been playing with your emotions for the past 2 years? Yes" she said bluntly

I knew it was coming

"He's in a better headspace now..we're giving it another try" I admitted as I nervously bit the inside of my cheek

"Hey, as long as it makes sense to you and if you like it then I love it." She shrugged

"No lecture?"

"Who am I to give you a lecture when I almost married a scammer?" She asked in joking manner but I knew she was serious

"That was an honest mistake"

"Well...no more holding onto the past, I owe it to myself to move on" she said with a small smile

"I think Jayson's good for you" I smiled

"I think he is too..I just gotta get used to having a man around again" she nodded

"How's the hotel? You said it had an indoor jacuzzi"

"I've only been there twice, I checked out early" she shrugged

"You're home already?!"

"No, I'm staying with Jay" she said lowly

I felt a smirk appear on my face

"He said it was stupid to stay in the hotel when I could just stay with him until I left..especially since I spent all my extra time over there anyway" she rambled

"I know you said you met his kid, how was that?"

"Deuce? He's the sweetest, smartest, and most respectful kid I've ever met" she smiled

"And the baby mom?"

"She's super cool too. She wasn't mean and she didn't seem like she was trying to scare me away either; she genuinely just wanted to meet me before letting her son around me and I totally respect that" she nodded

"You said you'd never date a man with kids, what changed?"

"He doesn't fit the statistic. He takes care of his son, he isn't at war with the mother of his child, and she's not at war with me. I understand that I'll be coming in last place bu-"

"Cleo!" I heard a childlike voice scream at the top of their lungs

"Hey handsome!" She smiled as a young boy climbed into her lap

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