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Jayson's POV

"I seriously think it's best if you just stay here for a couple more days" I protested as Cleo packed her bags for the airport

I was worried about her.

Fyn called and let her know that her ex fiancé had shown up to Fyn's house looking for her.

Fyn also said that he was arrested because he refused to leave her house...of course he was bailed out by his sister so once again that psycho was free

"I'll be fine, he doesn't know where I live which is why he showed up at Fyn's" she said as she continued to pack her things

I just sighed because it seemed as if there was no changing her mind

"Hypothetically speaking..what if he finds out where you live?" I asked

"Who's gonna tell him? All of the friends I had while I was with him are no longer my friends, anybody that he knows wouldn't know where I moved to, and-"

"Cleo he's crazy, he could if he wanted to"

"I promise I'll be fine. Can we focus on your game tonight? I need you to win before I leave" she changed the subject

How am I supposed to focus on the game when there's chance that something could happen to her once she gets back to LA?

"Okay" I said not wanting to argue

Hours went buy but I still couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I had so on the way to the stadium I tried to convince her to stay again...it didn't work though

Why was she so hellbent on going home?

It's like she doesn't give a fuck about danger.

"I know that's not Cleo?" Jaylen's loud ass said as we walked toward him

"Hey" she laughed as Deuce held her hand

"Wassup Deuce" he smiled as him and Deuce did their handshake

"Can we get popcorn?" Deuce asked Cleo

"Yeah I've got money on m-"

"Here" I said as I reached in my pocket and tried to hand her my card

"I can afford popcorn Jayson" she said plainly

"Never said you couldn't" I said as I frowned my eyebrows

One of the things we talked about was letting me lead.

I completely understand that she's grown and can handle herself in the field but it's my job as a man make sure she doesn't have to

"Cleo" I said softly

"Right.. got it" she sighed as she took my card

"I'll see y'all later" I said as I gave her a kiss and gave Deuce a fist bump

They both nodded and walked away

I watched as Deuce walked beside her normally but then decided to grab her hand and follow her pace

I smiled to myself before heading to the locker room

"What took you so long?" Jaylen asked as I walked in the locker room behind him

"Now you know you just seen me talking to Cleo and Deu-"

"That's not what I'm talking about" he chuckled

"I'm confused"

"Yall seem comfy...I'm guessing you told her" he stated

Now I knew exactly what he was talking about

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