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                   Jayson's POV

"And another win for the books!" The announcer yelled as the crowd went wild

I nodded my head and looked around knowing I handled my business on the court tonight

I nodded my head and looked around knowing I handled my business on the court tonight

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31 points, 6 assists, and 13 rebounds..I know I could've went harder but I also know I did what was needed to take this win home

I looked over to where Cleo was sitting just to make sure she was alright completely forgetting that she wasn't here

She was chosen to host some award show for influencers..I forgot what exactly she said it was called because I was too busy staring at her to really pay attention

I let Jaylen do the media for today and headed into the tunnel

It was an early game and I knew if I Made it home fast enough I could watch the award show and see my girl do her thing

"Aye man, wassup" Jaylen said as he walked into the locker room

I shot him a look of confusion

"I feel like I haven't seen you in 40 years" he said

Once again I was confused..I'm standing right here and we just played a game

"I only see you on the court and by the time I get this uniform off you ain't even in the building no more" he laughed

Eh he was right

I usually get here, do my job, change my clothes, then grab my people and go

Truth was I was trying to avoid Alison

She hasn't missed a damn game yet and she sits in the same spot

It's nerve wracking

"Mannn" I said as I shook my head

I quickly gave Jaylen the rundown as I got ready to leave

I invited him to chill at my house and he accepted so I just waited for him to get himself together

We rode in separate cars on the way to my house and I let him park closer to the driveway so I wouldn't have to move my car later on

The house was quiet and I hated it

Deuce was with my mom since his school was closer to her house and Cleo was in LA

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