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Archer stood up and darted his eyes over to Johnathan. A flash of anger and excitement overcame him. He slowly walked towards him and towered over him. Johnathan has never seemed so small before. The guards started pouring in and circled Archer. I stood there staring at everything going on. In a flash, I stabbed one of the guards with the lethal injection and took his gun. I shot two of the other guards, and the other 4 stared at both of us. 

I held my ground and kept the gun pointed in every direction, one guard walked up to me and I shot him.

"No one move," I demanded.

Archer took the gun from my hand and shot the rest of them off. He grabbed my hand and walked over to Johnathan. He kissed me, he kissed me deep.

"The girl you love and the man you hate. The last image you will ever see." He then shot him and we ran. We both ran away together, far away from the psych ward. I lived a life on the run with Archer at my side, and I thought I had saved him.

But one night, a year later, I woke up and found him in his sleep talking about his mother, a psychiatrist who killed herself. I realized that Archer's mind was still broken. I rolled over and woke him up. "Hey, you're having that same dream about your mom again."

He opened his eyes, and I saw a cold glare in his eyes. "Not dreaming." He sat up, slowly, stretching out his muscles and standing up. He looked down at me as I lay in bed next to him "You remind me of her." He said.

I looked down at the ground, I wanted to help him not remind him of his past. "I'm sorry," I mumbled.

He slowly approached me. "It's not you, it's how you act." He said, standing over me in the bed. He looked down at me, his piercing gaze making my breath catch in my throat."It's how you act and how you talk... it drives me mad." He said.

I looked back into his eyes. "Is that a bad thing?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he leaned in, as if he was going to kiss me. I felt his breath against my face, I could smell his cologne. When his lips were a few centimeters away from mine, he stopped. He didn't move for another minute, just staring at me. One of his hands rose from his side, and he began to slowly brush his fingers through my hair "I want to tell you something." He said.

"Okay." I was anxious, I just stared into his eyes.

"I..." he took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling as I watched him."I love you," he said. "But..."

My heart was thumping, it felt like I was about to break.

"There's something I have to do..." he said and he stepped back. I saw a cold glare return to his eyes as he looked at me. I arched an eyebrow in confusion. "I have to do something, something I can't let you see." He said.

I was intrigued now. A small smile crept on my face. "What are you hiding Archer?"

"I'd rather not say..." he said, his cold gaze not leaving me. He stepped closer again, this time touching my forehead "But if you love me, you'll let me do it and you won't ask me anything. You won't ask questions, and you won't ask for details."

This brought back memories of our time at the psych ward. He would always have something planned and I could never ask questions, even though he knew I would end up asking. "Okay?"

"Okay." He said "Then please..." he took something small out of his pocket, and put it in my hand as I sat up "Please keep this on you. For me."I looked at my hand and saw that it was a small folded-up paper.

"Archer, you are scaring me what's going on?"

He chuckled, it almost seemed like a giggle "Don't worry, you'll see. Just please, don't open it until I return. I promise I'll explain everything when I come back."

"You're leaving? Are you coming back?" My voice saddened.

"I'll come back, I promise." He said "Just please, don't open it until I'm back. Then you'll see what I was hiding..."

"Okay..." I was worried, but I trusted him.

"Good..." he kissed my forehead."Now, I have to go but don't worry, I love you, and don't worry about what I'm doing, I'll be back soon." He said before walking away, leaving me in bed holding the paper. What the hell did he give me?

I sat in bed, thinking about the piece of paper in my hand. It was folded many times over. I could feel the pressure of each fold against my fingers as I gripped it in my hands. As I sat and thought, my hands slowly started to open the paper, almost against my will. I tried to stop myself, but my curiosity was starting to control. I slowly unraveled each fold, and when I finally lifted the two pieces of paper apart, I almost couldn't believe what I saw...

It was a goodbye note. Inside the paper were two words written in Archer's distinct handwriting "Don't read" but I couldn't help myself, I had to finish reading and the rest of the note said "This is the only way I will have peace, I'm sorry"

My breath caught in my throat as I finished reading, looking back up at my empty bed. He was gone.He said he was coming back, but I knew the note meant something else. It hit me like a ton of bricks as I sat back down on the bed and held the note tightly. He wasn't coming back.

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