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I woke up the next day, thinking of how I was going to go about my new plan. The hardest part would be finding him, he doesn't know how I feel so he will probably believe that I am still in love with him. It is strange how fast the heart can be affected, days ago I was begging and crying he would come back, but now I can't stand the thought of him.

I racked my brain of different places he could've been, the one that stood out to me the most was his old home. It was abandoned, and it was a place that he knew best. he knew all the ins and outs of it, he could stay there and hide out, and if he suspected the authorities were coming that way, he could leave at any given time. The only problem I had was, I didn't know the address. I sat in my bed trying to think of a way to find the address, and I had one idea. I hated the idea, but it seemed that would be the only answer.

I had to go back to the psych ward and get his folder. 

My only problem was Johnathan, I tried to get Archer to kill him for crying out loud, how was I going to gain his trust? I needed to meet up with him and in a secretive place, I am a wanted criminal after all. I needed him on my side. I didn't want to call him off my personal number, what if he tried to set me up? This was a very risky play. I needed to get my hands on a burner phone, but where? I couldn't just walk into a store and buy one, my face was everywhere. I helped a psychotic man escape the psych ward and stole their money.  I would have to make myself unrecognizable. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed the rusty pair of scissors I had in my cabinet. I started cutting chunks of my head, and before I knew it I had short hair, it was the shortest it had ever been. I had some sunglasses I could wear to hide most of my face. It was cliche for sure, but it was all I could think of. It was a 45-minute drive to town, but I didn't have a car so it was now an even longer walk. 

I put on a hoodie and walked out of the door and headed to town. after a 2-hour walk, with lots of pit stops, I finally arrived. I went inside the closest store and found a cabinet full of burner phones. I looked at them all slowly and just decided to get the cheapest one, it was only going to be used for one phone call. I took it to the front counter and paid for it, everything seemed to be going smoothly. I was starting to get paranoid being out in public, so I walked back another 2-hours to the camper.

After a long walk, I was able to sit in my bed, exhausted. I couldn't sleep, I needed to set up this phone and call Johnathan. After a few minutes it was set up, I still had his number in my old phone, so I went through and put it into the new one. I paused before calling. I was extremely nervous about what may come from this conversation. I took a deep breath and hit the big green button.

It started to ring, and after a few rings, he picked up. "Hello?"

I paused, my breath had hitched. "Hello," I stated.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"This is Freya, Johnathan." I replied, trying not to sound nervous.

There was a long pause. I could hear him breathing through the phone. The silence felt like it lasted forever, the he finally responded. "Why are you calling me Freya?"

"I need your help." 

He laughed through the phone. "You tried to kill me, you blew me off for that thing and now you need my help?" He questioned in a mocking tone.

"Look, you were right about archer, is there somewhere we could meet? I want to explain everything in person." I suggested to him.

He paused for a moment. "Okay. When and where?"

"No cops. Okay?" I warned.

He agreed to my terms. We made a plan that tomorrow I would meet him at an abandoned park that was not too far from where I was living. I was nervouse about where this was gonna go, I was hoping he would keep his word and not have me set up.

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