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I couldn't get much sleep, I didn't understand why he chose to leave. Did I do something wrong? Did he take advantage of me? I didn't know what to do. I spent the next few days and even weeks in a deep depression, crying myself to sleep every night.

I was broken without him; he had promised to return but never returned.I had lost the love of my life, the one person I trusted, the one person I had ever let into my heart. I turned on the radio to hear something other than my sobs. There was an alert. 

"Police say to be on the lookout for the runaway patient, known as Archer Maddox. There has been a mass murder these last couple of weeks, and witnesses have made the identification it is him."

I froze when I heard his name being announced on the radio.What had he been hiding this whole time? What had he been doing the past few weeks?Everything I thought I knew about him was blown right out of the water as I realized the person I had fallen in love with was nothing but a cruel joke.A cold, deranged killer. I thought he had changed. The last year, we were perfect, everything was perfect, I don't understand. My heart started to race as I heard the news. It was true, he had lied to me, he had killed those doctors, just like the ones before them. He had lied when he opened up to me, every time he told you he loved me, every moment he looked into my eyes. He used me. 

I was frozen and heartbroken, then it turned into anger. I just started screaming. I was beyond upset. I couldn't come to terms with it, was I in denial, or was there another reason for all of this? I was beyond heartbreak, beyond angry, I was completely shattered by what I heard. I had given myself to Archer, I had trusted him with my life, he promised to change, he promised to be better, yet, every promise he made was nothing but lies. He had lied about everything, why could he never be honest? 

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and all I could do was nothing. I was upset, then sad. It was a cycle. I eventually got out of my head and a sense of determination waved over me. I was going to find him, and I was going to give him a taste of his own medicine. I was going to kill him


Hey! I know this chapter is really short and I am so sorry! Life has been absolutely crazy these past weeks and I really hadn't had time to sit down and write! I promise, however, a writing schedule is being made and I will give you guys more!

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