Chapter 1

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Curses. That's what grandma called them when I told her about the creatures that I always see lurking in the dark. She said that these curses are born from negative emotions of humans and are the most vile creatures to ever exist. One such creature is Tamamo no Mae, the fox spirit who loves to cause chaos and is said to be so powerful that she can destroy the earth if she wanted to. At least that's what grandma told me. For the longest time I believed those stories are just, well, stories. Never in my life that I thought I would be sharing my body with the fox spirit from my grandma's stories.

'Reminiscing about the past darling?~'

I let out a sigh as a smile forms on my face.

"Yeah, those were good times. I just wish grandma could meet you Tama-chan."

'I wish to meet your grandma too darling, she seemed like a wonderful lady to have tea and have a nice chat with.'

"I'm sure she would really love that Tama-chan. Now then, where did you drop your tail dear?"

'Hmph! I didn't drop them okay?! I was forced to split my power and seal myself after those bastards hunted me down.' I can feel her anger rising from talking about the people that hunted and killed her back when she was alive. She said that scattering her tail was the only way she can survive and be revived but I guess she threw the being revived part ever since I became her vessel. I guess living with me is enough for her.

"Sorry for bringing back terrible memories Tama-chan."

'No it's okay darling, I should be the one apologizing. Now I'm sure curses will pick up on the sudden rise of curse energy from me.' I can feel her sulking inside my head as I check my surroundings to see if there are any curses that appeared.

"No need to apologize dear. Let's get your tail and return to school hm? I'm sure with our power now there's nothing that will stand in our way."

After walking deeper into the forest, I find an abandoned shrine. I cautiously take a step on the crooked and broken down stone steps and make my way up the shrine.

Nothing of note happened when I made my way up the steps, that is until I sensed an influx of curse energy coming from the shrine. I narrow my eyes and prepare my lightning in case something attacks. As I got closer to the shrine the atmosphere got heavier and before I got my hands on the door to open it, I was sent flying by something large.

'Darling! Are you okay?!'

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you for worrying about me Tama-chan."

'It's a wife's job to worry about her husband, you know?! Oh how I wish I could come out there and beat the ever living shit out of whatever that punched my husband!' I let out a soft chuckle as I prepare my lightning and tune my senses to their highest point. I jump to the side as the hulking figure lands on the spot I was earlier. I look at the curse with delight in my eyes. This thing is probably the biggest curse that I've ever come across. "There you are big guy, I was wondering where you went."

The curse roared loudly causing the ground to shake, I steadied myself and jumped towards the curse with lightning around my arms and legs. I punch the curse right in its jaw and watch as it falls down. Not wasting any time, I use Void Cleft to stun it and give me enough time to charge my lightning up so that I can one shot it. Pouring more and more curse energy into my lightning until I'm certain that it's enough to kill it, I shoot a condensed ball of lightning filled with curse energy at the big guy. The explosion that the ball of lightning caused is nothing short of destructive, I mean really destructive. I look around and see that the whole shrine and the area surrounding it was destroyed by my attack.

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